The Omnibenevolence Council Newsletter #32
Maurits van Sambeek, MA
Founder, The Omnibenevolence Council? "Helping You in Creating a Culture of Well-Being"
Why we exist as council (our mission statement): Creating a New Paradigm of Reciprocal Philanthropy.
This translates to us helping you creating a culture of well-being in your personal, professional, and philanthropic life, i.e. in your organization.
Which means to take good care of yourself, your loved ones, your colleagues and everyone you interact with, in terms of demeanor, communication and potential collaboration.
To assist you in developing knowledge and skills for this we have profound tools, techniques and thought leadership publications.
If you want to gain access to everything that The Omnibenevolence Council? has to offer PLUS receiving additional training then you can apply for our Benevolent Leadership Development Program. Just request a free demo via our company page on LinkedIn here:
Newsletter #32: On Re-Creation
We’ve traversed the infinite, and re-focused on daily tasks. We glorified unlimited potential, and re-actualized the tangible powers that are hidden behind our daily masks. And in the meantime, the continuous strivings came to a standstill, while on the other hand, the perpetual new findings give rise to a renewed form of goodwill.
That’s why today, the means of creation have exceeded our every wish and excessive wants. They’ve become so vastly beyond their original intent, that even by a conservative view, the progression now knows no end. And it’s a gift that keeps on giving, especially when used wisely, or even when used for the sole purpose of experiencing enlightening jaunts.
In other words, what we are creating now will be decisive for future innovations. That is: we’re creating a precedent that can be changed in the moment before it has come to pass; we have the purposeful powers within us to create more good as long as we want it to last; we can indeed do things anew in either chaotic or orderly fashion – for creativity has it’s benevolent ways to pave the routes upon omnibenevolent foundations.
In line with our previous newsletters On Re-Organization , On Re-Structuring , On Re-Connection , On Re-Direction , On Re-Establishment , On Re-Orientation and On Re-Imagination , this month’s news thus revolves around Re-Creation.
In the complete history of humankind we can find a continuity of creation at work that allows for individuals to blossom and thrive. That has always only been possible though, when those individuals worked together with others, with the powers of nature, and with visions for the future that went beyond the mere struggles to survive.
Yet, what’s also happening alongside these lines of perpetual creation, is that a sense of solitude can cause an illusional stance of separation. And in today’s day and age, this stance has grown as an ideal of self-growth within an algorithmic bubble, which makes many people rage, without giving the appealing perspective of peace another chance, only creating increasing amounts of trouble.
Now, since the history is also rewriting itself and we’re learning from the past to look anew at future potentials, it’s of paramount importance to cultivate that sense of solitude as something that helps in even transcending the sixth sense, so it opens up a perspective again that’s wider than living from mere essentials.
But, as mentioned, from the current bubbles of creation it’s a difficult yet gruntling task, even an impossibility according to some, although uplifting, empowering and enlightening in itself, opening up a graceful way of well-being, from which to bask.
Indeed, in other words, we can change and create anew, from a perspective that’s benevolent for our future world: Is it too much, too little, or just exactly right in the middle then, when we begin to create again from a sense of abundance, so the bubbles become curled, into one shared understanding of the cosmos, a notion of omnibenevolence?
It thus is an urgent matter that we learn to revisit our understanding of creation, by using the past, present and future potentials as a whole, indeed as a creative and profound potential of relation.
In the profound potential of relation there’s an infinite amount of combinations presented to us. It’s the omnipresence of implicit connection even before and beyond what the reasoning mind can begin to perceive. It’s simply put, the ultimate awareness, from which our consciousness can conceive.
Hence the potential gives us a hand with which we can reach into the world of possibilities from where creation finds its origin. It allows for the development of a method or process. It indeed relates the capability to think wisely to the storage wherein, as a transformative endeavour, the phases of manifestation can begin to progress.
And since thinking wisely thus is all about creating ourselves from and towards a world that can be perceived as the absolute best, it initiates a certain way – a cosmic becoming of our capabilities in resonance with the route that is blessed by the expressions of that which we truly desire to convey.
The Potential thus beholds an implicit guidance to become more than a separate or singular thing, a creative in- and of itself that directly relates to continuity in communion with its practical offspring.
When this new combination of relations has proceeded now from the potential stance of re-creation, it can become more easy and effortless to advance within the original flow of causation – inspiring the bubbles to pop and curl up into one encompassing understanding of the multidimensional beauty of the omnibenevolent process. And that will help in producing creatives that can truly enrich the thought for future innovation.
The enrichment of thought for future innovation can thus become a form of creation that reshapes our current time – with this omnibenevolent process as a helping hand it transforms what was bad into something good, renewing the conception of what could be better into an awareness of the sublime.
To re-create yourself now with this method of magnificence, you can ask yourself these questions, and begin anew with making a difference:
By reading, pondering and attempting to answer these questions, you can begin to feel the creative force of benevolence beginning to flow anew. And when you do, a re-creation of your capability to create has been activated.
If you then want to take it a step further and actually create unimpeded, you might consider participating in our Benevolent Leadership Development Program.
The Omnibenevolence Council? offers this special program to assist you in creating a new paradigm that translates into a culture of well-being in your organization. And that culture of well-being then is a perpetual form of re-creation in the wealth of abundance that shapes our everyday.
You can easily apply for our Benevolent Leadership Development Program. Just request a free demo via our company page on LinkedIn here:
We then get in touch with you to set up a meeting for the demo. Then, during that demo, we’ll take you through a beautifully designed and well-created Mind Map. This already helps you in gaining greater understanding of the profound potential you can choose to activate.
You’re welcome.
In gratitude and with blessings,
Maurits van Sambeek, MA
Founder, The Omnibenevolence Council?
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