The Omnibenevolence Council Newsletter #23

The Omnibenevolence Council Newsletter #23

Welcome to this twenty-third edition of The Omnibenevolence Council? Newsletter!

(This edition continues to consider benevolent business anew, now from the perspective of love in usability.)

How To Have Love In Usability, Anew?

In times of consumerism and infinite opportunities to buy and apply, it’s sometimes questionable whether the usability of it all is consciously chosen or not. Mere apprehension of missing out on something often causes people to quickly click, cash in, or clog their lives with stuff they don’t need. And the constant chase for new or even more exciting experiences isn’t always that benevolent for a feeling of overall happiness and mental well-being.

Yet, the more we invent, the more we can use. The more we apply, the greater our usage can become. And the more we provide, the better our utilities could begin to serve a higher purpose again.

These general remarks can thus set the stage for new thinking on how we use things, on how specific usage is prescribed, and how our utilities are utilized – all in such a way that it benefits humankind.

The question then becomes: How can we have love in usability, anew? And to begin in answering, we can approach this question from three perspectives that are implicitly embedded in each and every form of usability.

So let’s dive in…

Use and Gratitude

The use of things is mostly taking place in a routine like manner. We simply grab or apply what’s needed for a task at hand, and execute. In other words, use is mostly habitual.

This means there’s only conscious thought involved in as far as the result or outcome will be attained. Therefore the reasons behind the exact conduct aren’t always presently in mind as long as the application runs smoothly.

When use is impeded though, for example because of something is broken or a person resists to properly employ a thing or process, frustration or anger could rise. But that isn’t necessarily the most practical in order to resolve the impediment.

Instead, if turned to gratitude for the fact that at least there’s something to use, a calm demeanor and creative fresh perspective on the thing or task at hand can grow again. Then, a form of love for being able to use something can begin to take shape anew in using a solution.

With that outlook on the relation between use and gratitude, the use of conscious thought can inform better conduct and clearer decision making in the process. And thus this quality of love as gratitude becomes useful.

Next perspective to consider then becomes the relation between usage and gratefulness.

Usage and Gratefulness

The usage of things is mostly taking place in a generally accepted manner. We simply treat or try what’s prescribed as proper procedure to functioning well. In other words, usage is mostly consensual.

This means there is a history of agreements upon which the reasonable practice is based, prior to the actual mode of using something. Therefore the ways of coming to such familiarity aren’t being questioned anymore as long as the actions are following upon each other in a streamlined manner.

When usage is experiencing friction though, for example because a protocol is outdated or a person isn’t happy with the rigidity of the rules, disturbing questions or debilitating doubts could rise. But that isn’t always appropriate in order to resolve the friction.

Instead, if turned to gratefulness for the fact that at least there’s some clarity on usage, an inquisitive and curious perspective on the practice or procedure can grow again. Then, a form of love for being able to research and discover can begin to take shape anew in the usage of a potential method.

With this insight into the relation between usage and gratefulness, the usage of conscious thought can form better modes of using and manners of treating, both when assigned to things as well as to the capabilities of people and persons. And thus this quality of love as gratefulness becomes usable.

Next perspective to consider then becomes the relation between utility and grace.

Utility and Grace

The utility of things is mostly taking place in a pragmatic manner. We simply meet or supply what’s provided as a standard for serving a purpose or worthy goal. In other words, utility is mostly purposeful.

This means there is a perceived future order towards which the use of equipment, a program, service or routine is directed, whether this is consciously envisioned or not. Therefore the inherent design facilitates a further unfolding of a larger paradigm of benevolence.

When utility is embedded in a restrictive framework though, for example because it is perceived as scarce or only to serve a limited number of people, discussions or even wars could rise. But that obviously isn’t necessarily the most purposeful in order to transcend restrictions.

Instead, if turned to grace for the fact that at least there’s a given or created utility, an open mind and inspirational mindset on a facilitating design can grow again. Then, a form of love for being able to invent and innovate can begin to take shape anew in the utility of a worthy ideal.

With this foresight for a renewed relation between utility and grace, the utility of conscious thought can form a purposeful substitute for the worthy ideal to become realized. And thus this quality of love as grace becomes user-friendly.

It even helps us move beyond the philosophical school of utilitarianism, since it’s no longer just about the greatest good for the greatest number – as in an equation with a minority that doesn’t benefit – but it’s about the greatest good for all without equating numbers, i.e. within a loving environment with the graceful purpose of omnibenevolence! (Because the Absolute Good, Beauty and Truth is realizing itself in infinite ways, through use, usages and utilities now, with wisdom and grace.)

And so we’ve reached a first more comprehensive and explicit understanding of the benefits that lay in answering the question: How can we have love in usability, anew?

If you want more answers and explicit solutions now for benevolent use, usage and utility then you’re invited!

Come Join The Omnibenevolence Council?

…and receive council on inspiration, creativity, opportunity and new ways for better usability of resources in love when needed. It goes, as mentioned, beyond mere pragmatism or utilitarianism, by even opening up to inventive foresights for dealing with the rising challenges of our times.

If you want to know more about this opportunity just send me a DM to schedule an orientation conversation and we’ll go over the details for becoming an omnibenevolent council member.

You’re Welcome!

In gratitude and with blessings,

Maurits van Sambeek, MA

Founder, The Omnibenevolence Council?


