The Omnibenevolence Council Newsletter #14
Maurits van Sambeek, MA
Founder, The Omnibenevolence Council? "Helping You in Creating a Culture of Well-Being"
Welcome to this fourteenth edition of The Omnibenevolence Council? Newsletter!
(This is the second edition on introducing a new series of Newsletters on the new time for love for Humankind)
How To Enhance Love In Leadership, Anew?
We’ve seen many leaders come and go. Great kings and queens, even emperors and everyday inspiring people in powerful positions – they all had their time and place.
And today, in governments, businesses, organisations, sectors and branches, we can see many leaders taking up responsibility of holding a greater vision for the greater benefit of humankind.
Unfortunately there are also examples of the opposite, which more often than not are filling the feeds of our media and news outlets. We cannot ignore it. But we can make a choice…
Do we comply? Can we make a choice for a different approach? Are we open for a new inflow of love in leadership as a guiding principle?
It’s not much talked about. Especially when goals, targets and strategies for better results need to be monitored and measured, a so-called ‘soft-skill’ as love is often deemed as less important to focus upon.
Yet, it’s the underlying principle that guides it all in the first place. Because when there’s no love for what one does, it becomes harder and harder, until things will inevitably fall apart.
So, let’s begin with an overview on what love in leadership could practically mean.
The Guiding Principle
In everyday thought and action, there’s a pattern of habitual behaviors. Underneath it all though, there’s a guiding principle. And sometimes it takes a few layers to be peeled away before that principle becomes visible for the mind’s eye.
For example, there’s the habitual behavior of rising in the morning, going through a hygiene and nutrition routine, start with work, have some interactions in between, and then recline for the evening and night with a closing off of the day routine.
For many people, this is the general pattern, although some people have totally different days every day. And some might just change it up every once in a while.
The habitual behaviors were once learned and set in place. It came through upbringing, schooling, education and deliberately made choices for a specific lifestyle.
The guiding principle underneath it all then, can be perceived through a sense of order, a desire for clarity, or a feeling of love for living a life worth living. Hence the choices. Hence the decisions. Hence the perspectives on a future that might behold a grander promise of benevolence.
But how do we get there?
Visionary Leadership
With the guiding principle of feeling love for living a life worth living we can come to a vision for the future. And with a vision for the future someone can take up a leadership role in order to make that vision into a new reality. Yet…
That vision of the future could be self-centered, but is it then really expanding love for our own humanity? That vision of the future could be altruistic, but is it then really balancing love for human reciprocity? That vision of the future could be philanthropic, but is it then really enhancing love for humankind?
It seems that all three of these elements of a vision for the future should be taken into account when thinking about taking up a visionary leadership role.
How then could you be all of this as a leader, even when times are tough or the organization goes through a trying transition?
It begins with clarity. And clarity comes from a clear vision, a compelling mission, and a powerful purpose that’s cared for together. In short: a shared focus on the greater good.
Visionary leadership thus beholds the grander promise of benevolence for self, other and humankind as a whole.
But how can this be cultivated?
With visionary leadership one can expand, balance and enhance love for humankind. It takes some practical qualities though for everyday living, qualities that could be turned into a new pattern of habitual behaviors.
Here’s a quick overview of how this pattern could be cultivated into a leadership role with love.
It might be perceived as too much or too demanding for one person in this day and age of massive problems and turmoil in the news. Yet, it can also begin to serve as a powerful guide to enhance love in leadership anew, in order to establish new patterns of behavior for humankind to thrive.
To what would you like to comply? Which choices for a different approach would you like to make? Are you open for a new inflow of love in leadership as a guiding principle? If so, then you’re invited!
Come Join The Omnibenevolence Council?
Just begin by following our?company page here on LinkedIn . There you can also read more on Mindset and Creating a New Paradigm for Omnibenevolence.
Reasons to join The Omnibenevolence Council? now...
The Omnibenevolence Council? is a membership based Master Mind alliance, specifically for leaders who are already working in philanthropy and for leaders who want to become more philanthropic in their leadership role.
It does help to connect with your deeper unlimited human potential and express that in more benevolent, even omnibenevolent ways.
This can help in creating better organizational culture and balancing it with the rapid changes in global society.
“Human Intelligence is becoming more and more challenged by Artificial Intelligence these days. Yet, we are standing at a cross-roads of opportunities. To see these opportunities, and then making wise choices for seizing them, that’s the big assignment for us as leaders, especially when we want to enhance our humanity and celebrate our human kindness.”
With compassionate conversations and philosophical curiosity we explore the potentials and opportunities to seize for a better world and greater love for humankind.
We’ll have quarterly council meetings online so people from around the world can join for profound exchange of wisdom and insight.
In between, we can mastermind on our progress through personal messages by choice and consent, and with group discussions online. Together we thus move the paradigm of Omnibenevolence into further realization.
Join Now!?Request your free demo via our?company page here .
We then contact you for scheduling a conversation.
Seasoned Transformation Coach, Thought Leading Mentor, award winning author and International inspirational Speaker at Bertie le Roux
1 年Quite a mouthfull Maurits, lot to comprehend but an in support 100%. Glad you highlight that all start with self first .... leaders should be able to multifocus ... inward for self analysis and development and outward to everyone else. What would upu say is the reason(s) that "leaders" feel so vunerable and threatened? You talk about love ..... maybe we need to define what love is more often. Thanks for a great piece of work you shared.