OMG! Meredith Emerison was a US Forest Service decoy, when she was abducted and beheaded!
Richard Thornton
Director and Principal Investigator (Architect-Urban Planner) at the Apalache Foundation
This explains all the weird events that happened in association with the Track Rock Gap Terrace Complex and “Maya Myth-busting in the Mountains” Thang in 2012. The Gainesville, GA office of the US Forest Service spent an incredible amount of taxpayer's money in a failed effort to discredit in advance a History Channel program about the immigration of Maya refugees to what is now the State of Georgia. It also explains why I was harassed non-stop by a strange US Forest Service law enforcement officer in North Carolina during 2010. These weird activities by federal employees were just one aspect of widespread corruption in the Southeastern Regional Office of the U.S. Forest Service. Some quasi-professional federal law enforcement agencies were trying to cover up a royal screw-up that had occurred in 2008.
The Master of Life (God) is certainly at the helm of my Creek-Uchee family. Yesterday, I was invited to a late lunch with relatives in Cherokee County, GA and couldn’t find the restaurant, after 30 minutes of driving around in heavy traffic. Frustrated, I stopped and asked a family on the sidewalk, if they knew where the La Parilla Restaurant was. It was around the corner. Just then, a man called out, “Mr. Thornton, I need to talk to you.”
I did not recognize him, but he said that he was one of the deputies, who was assigned to surround me at the Jasper, GA Ingles Supermarket in January 2008, when the kidnapper, Gary Hinton, got away with Meredith Emerson, by just driving by them.
The man first said that my article was mostly right, but got some things wrong, especially about the local deputies being the bad guys. Yes, they had me under surveillance the whole nine years that I lived in Jasper. They felt bad about it, but were just following orders.
They knew that I had nothing to do with the kidnapping of Meredith Emerson, but it was the Feds and top brass with the state, who ordered all law enforcement to concentrate on me, right after Meredith had been kidnapped 50 miles away. He said the feds send hundreds of volunteers into the woods around Blood Mountain, when they already knew that someone in a van or SUV had driven her out of that area. Hinton didn’t move her to Pickens County until a day after all law enforcement had been concentrated in Jasper (its county seat) in order to catch me.
He looked down at the sidewalk. “You know, a lot of us are still bothered about what happened to the girl. I swear, we think somebody high up in Washington wanted her not found until she was dead and the killer long gone. I think that they wanted to frame somebody, who had nothing to do with her murder. But the feds were as surprised as anyone else that Hinton took her to the very county that they had sent us to make sure we wouldn’t find her. It was us and the local GBI folks, who captured Gary Hinton . . . we were just too late . . . too late.”
This is when my jaw dropped. He continued, “You do know that the US Forest Service rangers had been using the poor girl for at least a couple of years.” He added, ”I don’t even know if she knew that she was a decoy, but I suspect she did. I’d be curious to know, if they were secretly paying her. Bet they did. They had pictures of you talking with her on a trail in Fannin County, with your dogs beside you. I recall the pictures were a couple years old. That’s why the feds were so fixed about us watching you work with the three dogs in the field.”
That took me aback, but I responded, “Maybe so . . . I was single. She was single. I have never hurt any woman in my life . . . even when my ex-wife hit me for no reason . . . and was looking for a wife or at least a girlfriend I could go hiking with. There is no law against that.”
He said, “You’re right. You never hurt any woman. Glad to see that you are still alive. Enjoyed watching you on television. Thank the Lord, I am away from all that mess now. Godspeed man.” He walked away.
And now for the rest of the story
Actually, the moment that Meredith Emerson’s pictures hit the national media, after her decapitated body was found, I recognized her. The favorite place for my dogs and I to hike was always a narrow US Forest Service Road that winds down the north side of Springer Mountain in a cove where the headwaters of the Toccoa River create a hundred water falls. A couple of times, a young woman with a small black Labrador dog had passed me without making a connection. The third time, she made eye contact and spoke to me . . . to let me know it was okay to be friendly with her.
Meredith was a really sweet lady. She was much younger than me, but there was a spiritual connection. She invited me to hike with her back the same way I had come. However, I was so freaked out about six years of the cops calling women I had planned to date to tell them that I was a sexual deviate . . . I was afraid to be seen with a woman barely out of college . . . even though there was absolutely nothing wrong with two single adults walking on a heavily traveled trail together. Nevertheless, I never forgot her. The only other woman, whom I have been telepathic with was Alicia in Mexico City . . . when I was 21.
In the first week of January, when all the Atlanta and national news announcements were telling people that Meredith was being held by a kidnapper 50 miles away, I knew she was close by. Her soul was begging out to me for help. It’s a Native American thing. I can’t explain it. Knowing now what I do . . . if I had gone to law enforcement to say that Meredith had sent me repeated telepathic messages begging for help and that she was nearby, I would have been arrested.
It never even dawned on me, though, that the incessant surveillance of my house and car that week was connected to the kidnapping. I had endured so much . . . let’s call it what is was . . . shit . . . from the damn Republicans for eight years, this just seemed like a new phase of the same old thing. In 2002, they had even sent a Junior College instructor, Sandra Graham, into my life temporarily to tell me that if I joined the Republican Party, they had a beautiful, wealthy wife picked out for me and that I would be governor of Georgia in 2010. I declined and so was punished by being homeless in 2010.
If I had gone hiking with Meredith that day, would a chain of events taken place that would have prevented her terrible fate in January 2008. We will never know.
And now you know.