Omega 3 fatty acids and benefits for human health
Hello everyone
My name is Serdar Hakan Ciftci
I am a medical doctor retired in 2017 after 26 years of active working
?I graduated from GATA.
I was born in 1968.
I am married. I have twin daughters.
One of my daughters is specializing in Internal Medicine,?and she is a doctor
My other daughter?has graduated from Bo?azi?i Mathematics and studying for doctorate?Industrial Engineer, PhD, and She is a Research Assistant at a university ?
As I read what is written on social media and internet platforms about health, I see that; There is a lot of lack of information and conceptual confusion.
In order to inform our people correctly, I will try to answer the conversations on the internet in general, not separately.
First of all, a course on nutritional supplements is not taught in our faculties of medicine. Although 95% of the doctors in Turkey are associate professors, they do not know about additional nutrients such as fish oil, propolis, royal jelly and their areas of use.
The remaining 5% of my colleagues know because they encountered them by chance in medical studies or abroad congresses, but they also do not know where and at what dose they will be used.
Here,?doctors can not be blamed for this , but in the medical education in Turkey.
I graduated from military medicine in 1991, we did not take these courses. My daughter?graduated from Bezmi Alem Faculty of Medicine. She did not take this course too ??
There are two types of approaches in medicine.
The first is the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Second, by supporting the defense system, it helps the body renew itself and fight against diseases.
This is exactly the second approach that is missing in Turkish Medicine.
What I am describing is not an alternative or a challenge to medicine; COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, which exists in medicine but is unknown in Turkey.
Doctors living abroad are aware of such products, and they use and recommend them for everyone, including themselves, for complementary medicine and preventive medicine.
It is not only the lack of knowledge that underlies the negative reactions of my colleagues to such products; There is also the existence of charlatans in the market trying to turn health into money.
That's why when you ask a doctor?for recommendation about fish oil or propolis, you'll probably hear the phrase "stop this nonsense, look at your right diet".
Because they are not aware enough that the nutrients are losing their nutritional value, that the genetic structures of the plants are being played with and that the underlying causes of the diseases derives from these currently consumed nutrients ??
Because they know that half of the Turkish people die from cardiovascular diseases, but they do not know that the American heart society says "If you want to be protected from sudden cardiac death and cardiovascular diseases, you should take 1 gram of EPA DHA, that is, Omega 3 a day"!
Let's get to the right information:
Vegetable omega 3 does not replace animal omega 3. In other words, it is not possible to get nutrition by eating walnuts, spinach, purslane.
Krill is a small shrimp-like marine creature that can only live in cold parts of oceans such as Antarctica; No one asks where did you find so much krill oil and why did you offer it to millions of people?
Krill oil is similar to the ant egg that was once released, and it is not possible to replace fish oil.
Fish oil is the most important supplementary nutrient that all people?has to use regularly and continuously from birth to death
Although my colleagues in Turkey do not know, Omega 3 is the most well-known and the most medically studied substance in the world (there are more than 2,400 studies).
It has 4 medicinal properties
1-Anti-inflammatory = Anti-inflammatory
2-Antioxidant = cleansing and regenerating
3-Antitumoral = Mass blocker
4-Antiatherosclerotic = Prevents arteriosclerosis, narrowing and occlusions
Fish oil is used by everyone from America to England, from Australia to Germany, moreover, under the supervision of a doctor.
In Japan, the Ministry of Health is directly involved in the use of fish oil.
In Japan, they also give fish oil to the newborn baby (while we don't give anything other than breast milk until the baby is 6 months old) along with breast milk. Moreover, as 0.9 grams/day, which is almost the dose we give to adults.
All children between the ages of 3 and 5 are given 1.5 grams/day, which is 1.5 times the adult dose in us.
2.5 grams/day for women aged 50-70,
2.9 grams/day for men aged 50-70
2.1 grams/day for pregnant women
Postpartum women are given 2.5 grams/day.
What do you think is the result?
While the death rate from cardiovascular diseases in Turkey is 50%, that is, one out of 2 people dies from heart attack , In Japan, this rate is 13%!
The number of people over the age of 100 living in Japan - even I had a hard time believing it even though I saw the data - is exactly 300,000 people ??
When a 90-year-old dies, they say, "Wow, he/she passed away at a young age".
And we said, "Mashallah. It is said that he drove a stake in the world, but he lived”.
There are fish oils on the market that are said to originate from Norway and Alaska, which are sold very cheaply.
I have read the prospectuses of many of them.
It is not written in any of them from which type of fish and from which fish it was obtained.
In some, it was written that it was obtained from the liver of cod fish, by exploiting the ignorance of the user.
Don't you think it's?weird that they are so cheap?
Fish oil, which I use in my family and my own health , is obtained from the stems of salmon, sardines, mackerel and cold sea anchovy; This?fish oil?has been conrolled?and sold in 169 countries market
The consultant physician for its production is Prof Dr Jorn Dyerberg, who is known as the "father of fish oil" in the history of medicine, who has done the first Eskimo studies, who has found that the Greenland Eskimos do not have a heart attack and that they are constantly fed with salmon, and who has more than 300 medical studies.
60 capsules
Customer sale price is $28
Is it possible that, fish oils, which are 200-250 pieces?can be bought for $6or $12, and which are claimed to be originated from Alaska, Norway?
I recommend you to research omega 3 you use and?in how many countries it is inspected and sold??Our health shouldn't be this cheap.
First catch the fish in Norway, build your factory. Get it’s oil out. Pack it. Pay for the patent.
Pay your employees there. Again, pay taxes in that countries?then send to Turkey. Also pay taxes in Turkey. Again, give the profit of the distributor company in Turkey.
Leave surplus goods to pharmacies. Give the pharmacy profit.
Pay for the agents you use in the distribution.
Pay expanses of advertising companies.
Put your profit on it and sell the fish oil for $12
Is this possible ?
One of the few possibilities is that some of them produce fish oil from the livers of very cheap fish like whale or cod, bring it almost for free and sell it to countries?
Because fish oils obtained from the liver of fish are cheap but harmful.
While these fish oils contain a lot of vitamins A and D, they can have a toxic effect on the liver in the long run!
The other possibility is
They are?produced with unlicensed production and they are promoted as if tehy are?imported from abroad.
These are possible scenarios I think all states should take care of this and control it and protect our health.
Like you, our friends who question this subject on the net and on the blogs should not buy such fish oils because they are cheap.
One of my colleagues
“ someone who consumes fish twice a week don’t need to use fish oil,” he said.
Well, Is this colleague of mine aware of?that the fish in Turkey are warm sea fish, the active omega 3 fatty acid EPA DHA is almost non-existent, and a person must eat 17 kilos of anchovy every day to get the daily dose of 1 gram of EPA DHA. do you wonder?
Besides ,What about the fact that most of the fishes in Turkey contain heavy metals
When we say let's eat fish and benefit; We would probably experience irreparable damages for our health
Omega 3 fatty acids destroy the resistance to blood thinners.
Some of the heart patients die because their body develops resistance to the blood thinners they use and the medicine no longer works.
Fish oil prevents the body from developing resistance to blood thinners. Therefore, heart patients should use fish oil together with such drugs.
Cardiologists who know about this subject prescribe fish oil together with blood thinners so that resistance to blood thinners does not develop.
Of course, The important thing here we should discuss is which fish oil you will use here. Unfortunately, most of the fish oils which are available on markets are harmful for health instead of being beneficials
My cardiologist friend, who showed me the medical studies on this subject, was also working as a physician at Siyami Ersek Hospital.
And he said that 99% of the doctors in his branch do not know the connection between fish oil and blood thinners, even that fish oil dilutes the blood, or even fish oil itself.
They met omega 3 by chance in a publication work.
While talking about starting fish oil for his loved ones;
After watching our presentation, he started using fish oil, which I also use. Coincidences lead good results sometimes.
Fish oils are of two types.
1- Those in ethyl ester format
2- Those in triglyceride format
Since those in ethyl ester format have an acidic structure, they dissolve in atheroma plaques, and when they are used regularly as 2 to 4 grams of epa dha (active ingredient) daily, they turn the high triglyceride level back to normal.
They also save the patient from taking drugs with excessive side effects (statins such as ator, lipidor).
Other group fish oils are in triglyceride (oil) format, so they are not very effective in atheroma plaques and high triglyceride levels.
Fish oils of the highest quality fish oil producers in the world are also in ethyl ester format.
It is clear that triglyceride, that is, fish oils in oil format, will not be effective enough in atheroma plaque and triglyceride, which are also in oil format. Only the nutritive feature can be used. Unless they are dense in vitamins A and D.
In addition, the Omega 3 fish oil I mentioned in this article, which I also use myself and my family, is in ethyl ester format and additionally fortified with Omega 9 olive oil.
Omega 9 increases the bioavailability of Omega 3 and this fish oil is more active in the body than fish oils in triglyceride format.
Thus, whether in ethyl ester or triglyceride format, it has taken its place above all fish oils in the world in terms of quality and effectiveness.
Obviously ,it is normal that this?Omega is the best omega 3, as it is produced under the consultation of the physician (Prof Dr John Dyerberg) who has already found fish oil
One of the most important issues in fish oil is that it must be obtained from the body of cold sea fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and anchovy (not anchovy in Turkey, but cold sea anchovy).
Omega 3 capsules obtained from the liver of fish such as cod should be avoided to be used You can understand this with?part from the amount of epa dha in a single capsule.
The quality omega 3 produced from the body can be packed in a maximum of 375 mg in a capsule with the current technology. If the EPA in a capsule is above this amount, it is probably from the liver of the fish and is of poor quality.
The fact that it is cheap also causes many manufacturing companies to unfortunately use liver for producing their fish oil
All logical people?should use fish oil from birth to death. The daily dose to be taken for healthy living and aging (2 or 3 capsules a day on a full stomach) is 1,000 mg epa dha.
It should be noted that the amount of active substance should not exceed 375 mg in a single capsule, by looking at which fish and where the fish is obtained from in the package insert on the fish oil.
The reason good fish oils melt foam glass is because they are in an effective format and amount. Those in the triglyceride format are ineffective on foam cups.
The foam cup resembles an atheroma plaque due to its reticulated lattice structure. Therefore, good fish oils in acidic form, that is, in ethyl ester format, dissolve both the atheroma plaque and the foam glass.
The fact that the fish oil melts the foam glass does not necessarily indicate that it is good. Because the bad fish oils obtained from the liver of the fish also melt the foam glass.
Another important issue in this regard is the omega 3 omega 6 balance, and it should be in a ratio of 1 to 1. Today, this ratio has deteriorated in favor of omega 6, in the form of 1 to 10 or even 1 to 30, to the detriment of our body.
Although omega 6 seems to be partially beneficial, excessive use is harmful to the body. Because it binds to receptors instead of Omega 3. As we all know, the substance that is vital in the body is Omega 3.
When Omega 6 binds to the receptors that Omega 3 should bind to, it naturally causes harm instead of benefit.
Therefore, while taking Omega 3 fish oil, people must be sure that there is no omega 6 in it.
While Omega 6 is harmful by reducing the effect of Omega 3 fish oil; Omega 9 olive oil increases the effect of Omega 3 fish oil and it is beneficial.
I hope all informations I shared in my article will be enlightening and informing for everyone
As a physician, I fulfilled my conscientious responsibility by writing this article. You can also fulfill your conscientious responsibility by sharing and spreading it, and you can help me.
The life of a poor or rich person's baby or family is not more precious than anyone else's, and everyone has the right to access accurate information for their health
I felt compulsory to write this post as I researched most of the fish oils available on the market.
The fish oil I mentioned in my article has been available in 169 countries?
?I will be pleased help friends who contact me and help them to buy this omega 3 at a discount from the price we bought directly from manufacturer company office in their countries
Those who have questions or want to talk about the fish oil that I use in myself and in my family can contact me anytime
I have already been reached by smart and cultured friends?I do my best to help them. I do not charge any examination or consultation fees.
If I can help
That's enough happiness for me.
Please note that ,You can share my article, but please do not delete my contact information, do not touch my article and help me to prevent some companies from being used for commercial purposes to sell bad fish oils.
I am very uncomfortable while making this warning, but unfortunately I have experienced all of these and I do not give them my right.
Thank you for having the patience to read my post to the end.
All people and friends who would like to get all the information about fish oil can watch the presentation in the link I shared below;?
They can help others by showing this informing video?
Those who are interested and would like to try product for personal health can register on link easily and purchase?product on discount from manufacturer company in their countries
In order to purchase products on discount ,first click link below and select your country you want to join and fill required details to purchase products discount
Greetings and best regards..
Dr. Serdar Hakan Ciftci
+90532 346 2699
Ahmet ?skifo?lu
+90542 527 31 15