Oman is a cultural and commercial center

In the past Oman formed on an important active cultural center since ancient which has been assumed in the interaction with those civilizations in the ancient world. Where Oman was one of the active centers on the Silk way between East and West, where it was one of the most prosperous trading centers in the Indian Ocean until the second half of the nineteenth century through.

Furthermore, it has extended its ties to various international powers since the early, and it has been interacted strongly with the Gulf, Arab and international surroundings as a canter of civilization to connect with other people. Moreover, A good relations has been linked Oman with many countries in the early stages of a historical, including China, the United States, Britain, France, and its ambassadors has been received respectably in the capitals of those countries and other centuries before.

historical studies indicate to the numerous links between the Omani civilization and culture the East cultures in China, India and Mesopotamia as well as it links with the civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean and the Nile Valley and North Africa, it also has been played a major role by Oman in spreading the Islamic culture since entering voluntarily to Islam in the era Prophet Muhammad.



