Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudevay

Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudevay

"Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay" means I bow to Lord Vasudeva or Lord Krishna who is able to liberate true souls and achieve Salvation from the cycle of birth and death. (Krishna) will deliver you from all sins (sinful reactions), do not despair. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 verse 66. Lord Krishna is present in everyone’s heart, all pervading, omnipresent, when you are chanting this mantra you are seeking Lord Krishna who is present within you, so it is not difficult to understand your heart. Prahlaad Maharaj worshiped lord by chanting this mantra, Sage Narada became his Guru and blessed him with the Mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay”. Narada Muni told him to remember strongly about Bhagwan Krishna while chanting the mantra.

The mantra’ Om nama Bhagavate Vasudevay’ Is the ‘Diksha mantra’ of Dhruva. It is for silent Japa in the mind. If you read the story of Dhruva from Shrimad Bhagabwat Mahapuran, then you will be able to understand it better. The stages of sadhana is given nicely there. The mantra is not suppose to give you joy. It is supposed to prepare your mind for the ultimate realization of truth. When Sri Bhagavan appeared, Dhruva offered his prayers. The prayer is known as ‘Dhruva Stuti’. A Sadhak can realize the truth by realizing the prayer only.

y'ontah pravisya mama vacam imam prasuptam

sanjIvayaty-akhila-Sakti-dharas svadhamna /

anyamsca hasta carana-Srava a-tvagadhin

pranan-namo bhagavate purushaya tubhyam //

My Lord, I make my prostrations to You. You are the One who has entered into me as my inner soul making me speak. My speech has been dormant all along. You are the One who makes my ears hear, my hands work, my feet walk, my tactile senses to feel, my life to vibrate - all by your Glory, my Lord, who wields Infinite Power. (source Dhruva-stuti)

That should be considered the best summary of Adhyatmic Philosophy. Translation into English is never perfect. One should contemplate upon the original In Sanskrit. He had been taught by the Sage, “God indeed is to be worshipped all the time with all ones feelings without a care”. “Sarvada Sarvabhaavena Nishchintaihi Bhagavaaneva Bhajaneeyaha” – Narad Sutra-No.79. That is not the meaning of Bhagavan standing by one. For instance, see what the Pandavas went through. See what the life of Sudama was before he became wealthy. Was not the Lord standing by Sudama and the Pandavas for their entire life?

Bhagavan is always standing with us as Dharma. Dharma is that which causes happiness to all in the long run. When you stick with Dharma, Bhagavan stands for you. When you go with adharma, Bhagavan stands against you. This is simply because Bhagavan is impartial.Saying names of the Lord is Dharma. So Bhagavan stands with you for that reason.The person who is atheist or half heart in bhakti always utter such words and ask such questions. To know its meaning the deep gyan and study are must. Due to which self realisation happens. Here I say it in short.. When one utter a mantra from true heart- bhakti bhaav. His mind start getting pure due to real divine gyan flow in him. Thus mindset and thinking changes that leads to good karma.. Eventually it all becomes good in life.

Now. . Nobody can even prove that why and how we human take birth and die.. Where do we come from and go to? To know who Shri Krishna is and what he said , one has to do the true bhakti that gives self realisation about all the truth. In that course sadhak comes to know abt all such gyan that is divine.. He even comes to know what Shri Krishna said to do and what not to do. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay (? ??? ????? ?????????) is known as a Mukti (Liberation) mantra. This is a spiritual mantra to attain freedom in Hinduism. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay mantra is considered to be the supreme mantra of Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna, the supreme God of protection.

Lord Vishnu is the Lord and Preserver of the Universe and a part of the Trinity of the Hindu concept of the Highest Universal energy, that penetrates the matter that exists in this visible world. This mantra is also used for one of Lord Vishnu’s avatars, Krishna: a very important Avatar of Lord Vishnu. In addition, this mantra can also be found in Vishnu Purana (Vishnu Purana is one of the Mahapurana that speaks about the greatness of Lord Vishnu and His Avatars). It is the main mantra of the Vedic scripture Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. Therefore, this mantra is used to worship both Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna. This mantra is declared to be the most powerful mantra for Lord Vishnu.

Vasudeva Krishna: Vasudeva Krishna is regarded as perhaps the greatest of the Avatars of Lord Vishnu, who takes upon himself the responsibility of safeguarding the mankind and descends on earth whenever the need arises. Krishna played so many roles during his lifetime on earth and taught love, mercy, knowledge, power, wisdom and the highest consciousness to the entire mankind. He remains as the central character of the stupendous epic Mahabharata. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Mantra is a salutation to the Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna and can simply mean ‘Om, I bow down to Lord Vasudeva/Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna.’ Effects of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Mantra.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Mantra is a sacred hymn of enormous potential. The effect of this mantra is such that this can provide spiritual guidance for one to attain the ultimate freedom from samsara, the eternal cycle of birth and death. If you read this daily, you will be getting blessings of Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna. For example, if you touch the fire unknowingly, your finger will burn. Similarly, if you read this mantra even unknowingly, you will be getting blessings of Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna. It is also said that sage Narada taught child Dhruva the chanting of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Mantra, and by reciting this, the Dhruva is said to have obtained the very darshan and grace of Lord Vishnu Himself. It is also believed that chanting this mantra can neutralize sins committed unknowingly.

However, it cannot do so when the sins have been committed deliberately. Through this mantra, the ego too dissolves through the ‘fire’ of chanting. After chanting this mantra, Lord Vishnu enters our mind and all good things happen in life. Chanting Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Mantra keeps away all the negative energies from you. Chanting creates an invisible circle around you, which attracts all the positive things toward you and you will start receiving all the good news in your life. It will develop the strong faith and devotion to the Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna.

Further, chanting this mantra removes all spiritual obstacles in our life and takes care of us in the afterlife too. Chanting also purifies the subconscious mind and burns our merits and sins of this life and past lives, making it possible for us to attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Thus, it dissolves our ego and develops faith and devotion in us, which benefits everyone around us too. Therefore, it is firmly believed that reciting this mantra with devotion, meditating on it with a focused mind, performing one’s duties with dedication will get for the devotees the boundless grace of Almighty Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna and His immense blessings.

Salutation to the Shri Krishna/ Shri Hari Vishnu and it means ‘I bow down to Vasudeva’. ‘Om’ is an eternal, universal sound and is hailed as Shabda Brahman, the ultimate principle of speech sound. It denotes the supreme spirit. ‘Namo’ is a humble salutation. ‘Bhagavate’ is the supreme divinity— Shri Narayan. ‘Va(a)sudevaya (?????????)’ means the son of Vasudeva (??????)’ and refers to Shri Krishna, who was born to Mata Devki and Vasudev.

The sincere followers of Srila Prabhupada chant Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudevay at the start of every chapter or even verse of Bhagavad Gita and Shrimad Bhagavatam. Try to acquire bonafide knowledge from a spiritual master, A Paramahansa Vaishnava who is tattva darshi and an empowered representative of the Supreme Lord. All the lectures of Srila Prabhupada are available on YouTube and can be downloaded. His original books are translated in maximum languages and are gateway to spiritual perfection and ensure back to Godhead for those who sincerely love and surrender to him and the Supreme Lord Hari. He preaches shuddha bhakti(pure love of God) and Harinam Sankirtan. Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay

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