Oligarchs and banks in Ukraine (the part 8)
In my posts by January,21, 22, 25, 26,27,28 2015 we start publishing the top 100 richest people in Ukraine and the role and influence of separate bank as a key instrument for the formation and development of groups of companies in Ukraine.
Forbes recently presented an updated list of the 100 richest people in Ukraine in 2014.
Now we see below seventh dozen of. As you can see business in Ukraine is not possible, if is not within the holding or group of companies own bank.
Even if a group of companies that belong to the Ukrainian oligarchs today do not have a bank that does not mean that they are through their connections, relatives, partners tend not to a specific bank or to several banks.
As we begin the publication of the most attractive sectors of the Ukrainian economy. In these sectors can be invested, using the bank with foreign capital, as a tool access to projects, their lending,to control of investments bank's owners and control of projects in general.
As you can see from the diagram, mountain and metallurgical complex and real estate sector take 5 and 6 place in attractiveness among sectors of Ukrainian economy to foreign investments.
So you have already met with six most attractive sectors of Ukrainian economy to foreign investment.
So you begin to understand that doing business in Ukraine without creating your own bank is not possible. The bank is the only tool that can help to implement all plans for investment in Ukraine and receive the planned profit.
Most recently, the National Bank of Ukraine set a condition for Ukrainian banks. Each bank must submit a plan of capitalization. Recall that the authorized capital of the bank in Ukraine is 500 million UAH, or roughly equivalent to 25 - 26 million euros depending on the exchange rate Euro / UAH. If such plans will not be granted, the National Bank will either bankrupting these banks or entered the temporary administration and capitalize them by the state. But while the bank to become a state, and the state's share in the authorized capital shall not be less than 75%. So the owners of the banks should consider to decide how to act.
Creation of a bank in Ukraine relatively long (about 1 year) and complex issue. But it needs to be discussed today.So as time goes on and strategic investors windows of opportunity for investors may close.Therefore, have to hurry.
See earlier in my posts ( parts 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 ).
To be continued ...
Ivanyushchenko № 60 already is not an oligarch. At this moment, the arrest of the nearly $ 100 million belonging to former MP from the Party of Regions Yuri Ivanyushchenko. This was announced by Attorney General of Ukraine Vitaly Yarema.
"Ivanyushchenko announced suspicion of crimes related to the abuse of official position, as he was a people's deputy. He arrested the money not only in Switzerland but also in the Baltic countries. The total amount - about $ 100 million," - said the Attorney General in an interview "New Times "published on Friday.
If you will have free time, then go to on my LinkedIn profile https://ua.linkedin.com/pub/alexander-bondarenko-ph-d/79/682/b30 and you will see my other posts that can download and share to your friends - investors.
Thanks to all.
#credit, #investment, #project, #bank
Independent expert
10 年Ivanyushchenko № 60 already is not an oligarch. At this moment, the arrest of the nearly $ 100 million belonging to former MP from the Party of Regions Yuri Ivanyushchenko. This was announced by Attorney General of Ukraine Vitaly Yarema. "Ivanyushchenko announced suspicion of crimes related to the abuse of official position, as he was a people's deputy. He arrested the money not only in Switzerland but also in the Baltic countries. The total amount - about $ 100 million," - said the Attorney General in an interview "New Times "published on Friday.