The Oldest Swinger in Town? 225 years since the death of Giacomo Casanova ('Jim Newhouse')
Stephen Arnell
Broadcast/VoD Consultant for TV & Film, Writer/Producer (Bob Fosse, Alex Cox, Prince, Sinatra etc), Media/Culture Commentator (BBC Radio, magazines, newspapers) & author (novel The Great One published November 2022)
June 4th will see the 225th anniversary of the notorious sexual swordsman's death.
A look at how Giacomo Girolamo Casanova (1725-1798) has been depicted on screen; this year will see the release of A Beautiful Imperfection, about the roué's supposedly only 'true' love.
Marcello Mastroianni as Casanova (That Night in Varennes, 1982)
Fellini's Casanova - The Dancing Doll
Casanova 2005 Mini-Series (David Tennant/Peter O'Toole)
Heath Ledger as Casanova (2005)
Casanova's Big Night (1954) - Bob Hope
Casanova & Co (1977) - Tony Curtis
Goodbye Casanova (2000): full movie - Gian-Carlo Scandiuzzi as Casanova
Casanova Variations (2018) - John Malkovich, shades of Dangerous Liaisons (1988)...
Casanova's Return (1992) - Alain Delon as Casanova
Casanova (1987 film) - Richard Chamberlain, reunited with Musketeers chums Roy Kinnear and Frank Finlay (who also played Casanova), written by George MacDonald Fraser, who scripted Richard Lester's Musketeers trilogy.
Casanova TV series (1971) - Frank Finlay
Il Cavaliere Misterioso (1948) full movie - Vittorio Gassman
Casanova (2015) - Diego Luna
Le avventure di Giacomo Casanova (1954) full movie - Gabriele Ferzetti?
Casanova '73 - starring the late Leslie Phillips
Casanova - Coffee
The Bellamy Brothers - World's Greatest Lover
Johnny Mathis - Love and Be Loved
Marvin Gaye - Savage in the Sack
Cheap Trick - World's Greatest Lover
Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Bardcore)
Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye (Medieval Version)
Mr Loverman: Ricky Montgomery (piano rendition by David Ross Lawn)
Bellino's Aria from "Casanova's Homecoming" (Argento)
They had Casanova...we get:
Lmfao: Sexy And I Know It - Bardcore
Oldest Swinger in Town - Fred Wedlock
Carry On Casanova?