Divleen Kaur
Co-founder of Krya . | MBA AI & DS Student | AI & Data Analytics Enthusiast | Business & Tech Fusion
Take five minutes for homework and see what comes out. New doors won’t open by themselves.
You know the old saying about the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
For me, it looked a little like this:
Old ways = Guilt, hesitation, self-doubt, behavior I knew was unproductive at best and destructive at worst, holding a grudge, holding my breath, being generally paralyzed by fear.
How about you? If you were to paint a picture of “old” and “new” — or perhaps “current” and “aspirational” — what words might you use?
So how about trying something new?
New ways = Embracing change, valuing myself, remembering that I have choices and feeling empowered to make them, learning to say “no” with grace so I can say “oh, hell, yes!” with enthusiasm, breathing in compassion and breathing out love.
And in the end you'll realise YOU ARE NOT STUCK !!!