The old vs. the new way of dressing

The old vs. the new way of dressing

When it comes to dressing for today's world, you might be wondering what that looks like. Is business casual still the same? How does the work-from-home outfit apply in the hybrid environment? What do you even wear? And the list goes on.

So I wanted to provide clarity on how to dress for today's world by comparing the old way vs. the new way of dressing.

Old way of getting dressed

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  • trying to fit into a structure
  • didn't fit your lifestyle
  • dramatically decluttering and buying to find your style
  • taking dressing cues from Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg

New way of getting dressed

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  • clothing that compliments your unique body
  • style that expresses your personality and energy
  • colors that energize you
  • dress codes that are inclusive of culture, race, gender, and individual authenticity

According to Google, "What to wear now?" is a trending question, as many of you are reentering the world, and want to embrace more of yourself.

There is a good chance you might be stuck in the old way of getting dressed.

In case that's you, stuck in a style rut and confused as to what's next, here's something you should consider: who you are at your core, your culture, race, gender, experiences, and beliefs all form part of your identity.

Why? Because with a style that's closely linked to your identity, you not only feel complete and free to be your authentic self, your image will begin to do the heavy lifting for you.?

Resulting in a bigger impact on your personal and professional life. You'll get lots of compliments [ and who doesn't want that], you'll become more visible, and visibility means more speaking opportunities, promotions at work, bigger paying clients, and a happier you.

?I wouldn't be me if I didn't leave you with a few action items.

In this video tutorial, How To Add Personality To Your Basic wardrobe you'll learn:

  • Where to start
  • Choosing your color palette
  • How many pieces do you need to create a more than 20 outfits
  • Transformation of a basic wardrobe

Are you wearing clothes that express your personality, or are you stuck wearing the same old uniform?

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About Style Your Truth newsletter:

Style Your Truth newsletter is a monthly publication that teaches you how to fully lean into yourself and uncover your authentic self so you can discover your confident style. If you are seeking consultation around personal styling and image workshops, visit my website or email me at [email protected] to learn how we can work together.

If you enjoy this newsletter, please share it with your network, so they can get the same value as you. You can join my email newsletter for resources on how to style, what to wear, and more. And finally, here is a great E-book to get you started on your journey of authentically aligning your mind, body, and style.

Where to find me on Social Media:


Instagram: @styletoimpact


