Old Versus the New and Why Part 1
Old lines verses new lines
Lets discuss a old belief that drill pipe should never be put into compression.
If you believe this you should retire today. If you think that putting drill collars or heavy weight above the motor and mwd that you are using it for weight to transfer weight to bit? Is this not putting the drill pipe in compression? Yes it is as the old fellers are thinking that they are transferring weight to bit. It is still putting your drill sting in compression. So when I here someone say oh no cant put the drill pipe in compression they do not understand drilling or directional drilling at all. It has been since they started testing mud motors and directional drilling, this was started in Blackwell Texas with a 80 B National working for Grace drilling which was bought out by Nabors Drilling.
The first directional well drilled was drilled under the Red River between Texas and Oklahoma it was drilled by a engineer by the name of Junior Savage. He was living in San Angelo Texas in his older and younger years. It was drilled by a four legged Franks pulling unit and a reverse unit. So some of the old people that I am getting there now but they should quit using some of the old things that have been proved wrong over time all they had to do was use common sense and poof they would of been with the younger generation and bridged the gap with knowledge and productivity. I saw and completely understood and still think I do today
I hope this is somewhat useful to some if so will add more information in the near future.