The old version of you has to die…

The old version of you has to die…

Want to level up? Break a bad habit, maybe you want to take up a new good habit??

Maybe you want to make better friends, perhaps you want to be a better friend? A better lover, and better family member.?

All of these things are possible, if you wish for it and see it in your mind and take action.?

There are an infinite number of parallel universes and different versions of you out there if string theory is to be believed.?

This means there are realities in which, you are an Olympic champion, a reality in which you are a drug addict, a reality in which you die early, a reality in which you contract a deadly disease, and even a reality in which you are a billionaire, maybe even one in which you're a famous movie star.?

Think the butterfly effect, but x1000 and only you replace Ashton Kutcher in the movie (great mind-bending film btw)

All of these other realities are possible and all coexist at the same time.?

Okay, so what dom, get to the point…

What has always fascinated me is when people make HUGE changes in their lives and how they do it.?

How a seemingly normal person with an average or sometimes tough upbringing reaches stardom or a once ugly child becomes a supermodel as an adult.?

Or a morbidly obese person turns into a late-age athlete, a drug addict succeeds in their recovery and finds success as an actor or business person.?

What do all these things have in common?

In each scenario that I've studied and in examples that I've personally known, all these people had one major thing in common.?

They had to kill off their former self.?

The old version of them had to die.?

They had to break down their old ways, their old habits, and their old mindset.?

They changed where they lived, they changed their friends, and they changed what they ate.?

In many cases, they even changed how they spoke, how they looked and what they used to wear.

Some even drastically change what they look like either through intense fitness programs or more permanent work with surgery.?

When you change enough of these things about someone and try and match them 20 years apart, you’d be hard-pressed to match one with the other.?

But in all these instances, the former version of the person they were had to die in order for the new version to be born.?

Okay so we don't have to be as drastic as doing all the above but for sure if you change enough over time, you will find that you are a different person.?

What I'm getting at is, who you are now and who you want to be are both real.?

What separates you from becoming the person you aspire to be is taking enough action and changing enough things in your life to cross over into the new reality, the new you, the enhanced you.?

This is what we are seeing when we see those before and after fitness photos or a once obese person having a tight-toned body (the real transformations that is).?

We are looking at people that have eradicated enough of their former selves so as to find a new version of themselves, a new reality.?

They have for argument's sake crossed into a new reality.?

So how have they actually done it? I can't speak for others, but I can share what has helped me in various areas.?

Personally, I think you need to write down who you would like to be in detail.?

What lifestyles do you have, what do you look like, what friends do you have, how physically fit are you??

Pick one specific area of your life that you want to change and write down how you would ideally like to be in that area.?

How would you think, how would you act, what would you say, how would you feel as this ideal version of yourself??

Once you have the picture in your mind, write down more details.?

And then….?

You act exactly like that person in the future, only you do it now.??

I'm going to assume that none of you reading this are stupid, you all know what you should and should not be doing to get you closer to your goals, the reason you don't get there is because you lie to yourself.?

You stay in the version of yourself as you are now.

Instead, you should be thinking about acting like the person you want to be.?

Without using the cringe-inducing phrase of ‘fake it till you make it…’ there is some truth to it.

You have to act like a millionaire before you become one. Because you can't become one without the habits of a millionaire.?

You have to eat like a physically fit person to become one because someone who stays in shape isn't in McDonald's all the time.?

If you’re an addict you have to act like a sober person before you truly are one.?

You simply need to have a clear written vision of this new version of you and every time you make a decision each day going forward ask yourself.?

Is the decision I'm about to make going to bring me closer or further away from the person that I would like to see myself as in the future??

If you do this enough, consistently over time.?

Eventually, you will wake up and you will be that person you first envisioned.?

Anytime I have issues with trading performance the thing that brings me back to baseline, are simple questions like the following that can apply to anything, with regard to health fitness or relationships.

  • What are the actions of a successful trader/person and am I taking those actions??
  • As a successful trader/person would I be doing ‘X’ right now?
  • Would a successful trader/person think like this??
  • Have I done everything a successful trader/person would do in order to get the results??

In all the above cases, I envision myself as a successful person and work backwards from there.?

I always know what the answer should be and I guarantee in whatever you want to do you will know also.?

You just have to be honest with yourself and envision the future person you want to be and act accordingly in the present.?

#personaldevelopment #newhabits #newyou #success

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