Old Things I Still Have
The oldest thing that I own that I still use daily would have to be my alarm clock for some reason. It is the oldest thing that I can think of (at the moment) and it is not even really that old. My alarm clock is an Google Nest Mini Speaker but I just love that thing. I know everyone is probably saying ‘why do you have a Google bluetooth device as an alarm clock?’. I mean it just works well. You speak to it and it does the task and that is about it.
Now that I am thinking about it I also have two of those speakers but one is missing the power cord (which is so sad). My goal is to get a power cord for the second one, but I do not think that they are sold that way. At the moment this item is about one of my oldest things that I own. ‘Old’ things for me tend to get destroyed somehow or I end up leaving it behind when I hit a ‘turning point’ in my life. There are many things that I wish I still had, but I think I am doing fine without them.
Most likely though, one of the oldest things of ‘ownership’ that I think is worth mentioning is a good education. Now education is the key (that’s how the saying goes, right?). Well, what I am trying to get to is that there may be ‘intellectual’ ownership of property that doesn’t have ‘shape’ (the intangibles) and that to me has tremendous value. You really ‘own’ something when you have learned the material… plus depending on the nature of the material it can be useful to you and others no matter how ‘old’. Thank you for reading. :)
-Jason Gomes