An Old Tune, But the Song Remains the Same
??Andrea Accinelli ??
Creating beauty and elegance through thoughtful jewellery pieces. Affordable elegance.
The system may or may not be for you. Nothing in this world is for everyone. If you can relate to any of the following scenarios though, it may be time to have a conversation with ME!! I've gone through most of them and have been able to change them. Oh, and please forgive the blurry photo, no one ever said I was good at photography.
You're pulling out your jeans that you happily and comfortably wore last year, and now they are too tight, or just feel weird. You feel weird while wearing them. Pretending that the dryer shrunk them is an option, of course, but it still won't make your pants fit.
Cravings are a lifestyle, not an occasional annoyance. You are, on a regular basis sitting on the couch at 9 pm debating how serious this is, should I go get (insert craving here) or just ignore it and hope it goes away. It's not going away, so you're forced to get dressed, get the car out and drive to a store at 9 pm.
You eat a full meal and still feel hungry. Again with the 9 pm are feeling more than peckish, this is a full blown, red light emergency hungry and it doesn't seem like a little snack will cut it. What do you do? In my case, I would almost always go for something less than healthy, usually the cereal box.
You aren’t regular. Let's keep it real. You can't poop. Or too much poop. Neither is particularly fun. There are only so many magazine articles you can read on the toilet before going insane.
You don’t want to try ANOTHER diet. Well, you could try WW again, or you could do that cabbage soup thing, but it didn't work before, what makes you think it will this time? Oh sure, it worked for some celebrity on the cover of People magazine. But did it?
You want real results, not a quick fix. Who else has seen those apple cider vinegar gummies ads that tell you that your pants will be too big in three days? Now, apple cider vinegar is not a bad thing to add to your health regime, but consuming them and doing nothing else will not make your pants fall off in three days. NOTHING will make your pants fall off in three days.
You HAVE to take naps every day to function. Honestly, I love a good nap. LOVE IT. There are some days that I need one. It's not every day though, and at one time, if I didn't get my nap it was a source of anxiety. When I was working, I used to go into the bathroom, sit on the toilet, and lean my head on the side of the stall and nap or a few minutes. When I was working at the CBC, I used to have my lunch in the cafeteria, and then nap on the bench for half an hour. One day, someone came into HR and said, "Oh hi, you're the girl who's always napping in the cafeteria!" Not exactly a good look for someone trying to be a professional.
You “survive” off several cups of coffee, bottles of pop or handfuls of candy throughout your day. This was me on the regular. Are you sitting there, waiting for your next cup of coffee? I had a serious Red Bull addiction. It was my morning drink instead of coffee. WOW, it worked! BOOM - I was ready to go like a fire engine. Until I wasn't. The crash came around 1 pm and then the aforementioned nap problem came into play.
If your gut is telling you that you've experienced some of these things or others, please get in touch with me. This is ME, people, I am not going to try to sell you someone that isn't right for you. If you don't know me that well, it's ok, anyone who does will tell you that I don't want to deal with anyone who doesn't really want this. I am a woman in my 50s who is not going to put up with any excuses and bullshit. I can help you get rid of those pounds, but only if you really want to get rid of them. Having said that, I would love to have a conversation with anyone who is interested in learning more about what this program entails. I will not sign you up for anything you aren't ready for, and it's ok! I will still love you!
The simple point is: If you want it, you get your health back and your mind blown OR you get your money back.
Have a wonderful week, everyone!