The Old Republic
This is the way it has always been done. We must keep it as it is. Why fix what is not broken? The statements and questions emitted from the minds of the old republic are too often the outcome of inquisition from their unheard progeny. Is it not a contradiction of evolutionary gain for our forefathers to be ill-equipped to speak the language of their sons and daughters? Is it not reasonable to infer that it is in the best interest of the old republic to be open and curious to what the youth have to show them? As common sensical as it may be to interpret the answer as, “yes,” contrary to this supposition, the opposite is all too common. It is the old republic that falls back on its defense whenever a new idea is proposed. The natural process of interpretation starts with mental quandary compounding into mental exasperation and inevitably leads to the visionary as being labeled a heretic. There is no shortage in a historical sense of prime examples of great thinkers; young gifted minds bellowing outlandish yet profound ideas upward the ranks to solely be ping-ponged back down to the filth of their ineffectual status or position. It is the unwritten law of men that the youth’s innovation be suppressed by the old. Yet, as an old sage once said, “A house divided cannot stand,” and therefore, when any time two generations are divided, all out chaos ensues. The bands that hold the society together cannot stretch too far. For if they do, the natural effect is a snap and with a snap of the culture finger every band and foundation known will instantly collapse. This is evolution of consciousness. It is in fact not supposed to be this easy transition from old to young but a barbarous hammer and nail calamity where one generation dies, and another rises from their ashes. Heed this warning- – those of you listening and holding onto the past. What has worked for you will no longer keep you up in the mountain tops, our youth and rock climbers and their picks dig deep into the mountain beds. Beware of the speech given time and time again without change. For these new speakers climbing your mountain are armed not with memorization but emancipation of thought. It is their thoughts that will bring down the old republic. For the truth needs no voice.
Business Development Specialist at PMA USA (Performance Matters Associates, Inc.)
4 年I don't agree with the last sentence about the Truth not needing a voice. History annals illustrate the need for the re-vocalization of Truth and Her ideals for many past and current civilizations and their recent cultural changes.