Old Gentle Soul
Old gentle soul
You speak the truth you know of this pain that holds women down and oppressed ??could be bold. You seek enlightenment where most men flutter and disappointment. All gentle, soul we all on this earth know you’d be bold. The pain creeps across the pages, like a sharp knife cutting slicing with every truth to the power of spoken words. Like a movie clip repeats itself generation after generation. Never, ending segments of pain heartache and misery. Old gentle so you were so very cold to point out the consistencies in the inconsistencies of relationships of infatuation of what seem to be servitude to a man for love.
But do you grasp the hardship that most men are placed in. They are groomed to be alpha. When, they should be groomed to be neutral. There are no books on how to raise children that are equally identified to each child in the world. Personalities are different. Upbringing is different. Ideologies within the different societies pedagogy of those societies are different. Just the grass the concept is mind-wrenching for most homophobes.
A man is not truly a man anymore. A man is not accepting of all concepts and ideal ologies. Of what a man should be. Some or feminine, summer masculine, are they truly neutral. So, what is the true standard, of what is a man, a true concept is what is a man? You have those who beat women daily. This is the epitome of what most deem to be a true man. And then others deemed to be a bastard-son. Those who love Women and worship the ground they walk on is that a man? And then you have those who divorced themselves all together for manhood and take on the feminine attributes of a woman. Is that a man?
Oh, gentle soul, we cry for the knowledge you hold in your last written. Masonic adventure, of those that were told of how women are being unjustly, crucified by what was once, to be told that this was love. And they got nothing but heartache and pain. We men that look at women as the birth of mother earth deem women to be a prize, not a trophy a prize to be given all her worldly dreams within reason. We men deem women to be the first godly gift to man. Not is a trophy but as a spirit of hoping the next page will be better. ?In that everlasting journey of life.
Oh, gentle soul, let me begin by saying we are sorry for he did not know that he was a boy acting like a man. He did not know that he had a diamond in the rough he did not know what he could do to make it better to make you happier.
As boys should Know women, are not toys. To be played with and later discarded when they tarnish is or has no more value are use or is no longer shiny. This one that you are willing to give yourself two treated you like a toy, and therefore treats all women like toys when the toy is no longer of use. The boy that was acting a man, discards his toy. In the sand and forgets about the toy to ever have value within his hands. Oh, gentle soul, the pain of this is yet to be told. His life will haunt him even today you may or may not know. The breakfast, early morning, the press clothes, the vacations, and the conjugal visits. ?These things are missed by every man that had a woman that he treated just like a hole. Now, he contemplates his own as he plays in the sand with his hand. Missing your everlasting touch, I know this because I am a man.
Yes, things that have been, forementioned. Have been told that boy that acted like a man is now, Full of heart pain and outwardly tries to be bold. Once you look into his eyes, he saw love. Now you look into his eyes, and you see hate. Tomorrow you will look into his eyes, and you will not see anything but a person that is now a stranger. Notice, old gentle soul. Tomorrow will come and he will be a stranger.
Place does not blame at his feet. We as lovers, in a world of loveless, people. Sick that which we do not have. They come across as people that act like pretenders to give us the things, we did so desire. But beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. For we cannot see, the things we are not supposed to see. Only the things that our heart desires. This is our own self-indulgent blind love. Walk, with every relationship eye wide open and never, eyes wide shut. Yes, gentle soul that was a promise from God to you from man to you. And that promise was broken dramatically your heart was broken by that promise. You gave everything and received a blessing two children no that would be certain. The best thing of life is to give life to another human being to write the wrongs of what was a horrible relationship.
Oh, gentle soul, pick up your tears of pain, cry no more, pick up the pain, be sad no more, pick up your life and thrive for everlasting and forevermore.
Author: ?Stella Mae Robinson Hickman