Old Dogs Still Having An Impact
As I meet with a number of different investors about our company, I think they are a bit shocked in seeing a gray haired old guy on the other end of a video call. I think most of them are expecting someone half my age (and half my edge), someone who hadn't shaved in five days, and someone who was calling from their Mom's garage. In pulling CEND together we did recruit some brilliant young talent, but we also haven't backed away from hiring some folks that have some great experience behind them.
I was reminded today of a story of an old dog that was chasing rabbits and before long discovered that he was lost. As he was wondering about he came upon a large young bear rapidly heading in his direction with plans of making lunch of the old canine. The dog said to himself, "Oh no, I am in real trouble!" Noticing some bones on the ground, he immediately settled down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching bear. Just as the bear was about to attack, the old dog exclaimed loudly, "Boy that was one delicious bear! I wonder if there are any more around."
Hearing this the young bear had a look of terror came across his face as he froze in place and ultimately crept back into the woods. "Whew," said the bear, "that was close." Meanwhile a squirrel who was watching the whole event take place from a nearby tree decided that he would trade his knowledge in exchange for protection from the bear going forward. So off he goes to pass along the secret to his new friend the bear. After hearing the story the young bear is furious and says to the squirrel, "Hop on my back and you will see what is going to happen to that crazy old dog."
Fortunately the old dog saw the two coming and once again used his experience to deal with the challenge. He positioned himself with his back to the oncoming duo a second time. Just as they got into hearing distance the old dog spoke out again, "WHERE'S THAT DARN SQUIRREL? I SENT HIM OFF AN HOUR AGO TO FIND ME ANOTHER BEAR."
The moral of the story is that there is something to be said for age, experience, and wisdom when you are fighting to to stay alive and succeed in the forest!!