Old dogs need new tricks
Humans are naturals at learning. As babies, we learn the sight, sound, touch, smell and taste of the world around us. Then we pick up language from our parents. We go to school and start to discover math, history, geography, physics and so on. Standing on the shoulders of giants, we learn what the world has learnt throughout time.
And what’s more, we’re getting a whole library of information from our own daily experiences, learning about other people and ourselves. As well as knowing Josh Beckett goes to the curveball when up in the count and that you need to deep drop if you want some yellow-eye snapper on your table.
Then something happens … sooner or later we reach a point where we’re settled in our lives and careers. Life is now about capitalizing on who we are and what we know. Maybe, if we have kids, we pass the baton of learning onto them.
So we stop. And we become old dogs who tell ourselves we can’t learn new tricks.
But we need to remember how great learning felt as a kid – and all the possibilities it opened up.
That’s something all of us at Miami Lakes Learning Center believe in passionately: the feeling of being empowered through learning and the opportunities personal and professional development brings.
So take 5 minutes to remember how you were as a kid. That eagerness to learn. That thirst for knowledge and experiences. And who knows? It might just open up some new, exciting possibilities again.