The old concept of Unified Theory or the new ? ◎ Ion Quantum Science
? ◎ яevolution
The old concept of Unified Theory or the new ? ◎ Ion Quantum Science
May 29th, 2021
The Unified Theory cannot be based on particle physics, but on the beautiful symphony of the vacuum, made up of energy, frequency, and vibration. When the Scientific Community understands these concepts within what I have called JAYNSTEIN EiE Equation, we will take a "Quantum Leap" in our evolution, something that I have called ? ◎ яevolution.
The new ? ◎ Ion Quantum Science breaks with the established limits since it is not limited to the only architecture of the Universe, but it details how the Universes connect with each other through the concept of the vortex, and that shapes the Multiverse. And if the Multiverse allows the interconnection between Universes, what force is the one that makes it possible? Well, a new force never theorized included not only in the JAYNSTEIN EiE Equation but by the JAYNSTEIN ? Model itself, which represents a new model at the peak level, to justify how from the vacuum The Fifth Force or the frequency of the ? or ?ther is capable of orchestrating each Quantum of Light, and hence the generation of the rest of the known forces in each Universe.
Aquarius Man
Best Radical Scientist