Old Career Rules that STILL Rule
Dr Rochelle Parks-Yancy
Professor of Human Resources; Resume Writer-Slayer; Career Coach; Books' Author; Workshop Leader; Content Creator/Editor; I Am MY #1 Brand; Career Bad-ssery Expert
Don't trust nor count on any employer. Count on you.
Be ready to lose your job at any time. Don't get too comfortable.
Stay ready to quit when you want or need to.
Never invest more in a job that isn't yours at a firm you don't own than invest in you: Your resume awesomeness, job hunt strategies, interview prep, salary negotiation, relationship-building.
Don't make too many bills with money you haven't gotten yet (aka just started new job). Collect a few checks, first. You may be laid off/fired or want to quit after 1 week or 1 month.
If you're more comfortable bragging about your phone, watch, car, home, etc. than you are bragging about YOU (your most important asset), change that. You weren't born with stuff. You were born with you.
You owe you to believe in you and value you. Don't give your self-esteem to any job or recruiter or manager. It's not their job to make you feel great about you. That's your job.
We don't get paid what we deserve. We get paid what we negotiate.
You're not a victim. You are your most amazing brand and career savior. You are worth believing in and standing for. At all times and against all odds.
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