Old Bones
Old Bones
Psalm 32:3-4?When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was turned into the drought of summer.?Selah
As I get older my bones and joints make a lot of noises. My knees stay particularly verbose. The Rice Crispy boys Snap, Crackle and Pop must live in my knees because they do a recital every time I sit down or stand up. At night, they must be really sore from all their noise making because they want to inform me of this soreness all night. David spoke of a different groaning and weariness in Psalm 32. David spent some time being silent about his sins regarding Bathsheba. When you belong to God, staying away from honesty and confession of your sins will make you sick. Do you have secret sins that are making your bones old and weary? Do you feel God’s hand heavy upon you? Honesty is the first step toward healing and restoration. That honesty may be difficult but God can handle it and His cleansing is whole and perfect. Will you allow His healing today? Let it start with honesty.
Excerpt from Goldfish Devotionals Part II
Jonathan Jones, President Perfect Hope Ministry