THERE ARE THOSE TIMES WHERE WE MAY REACH a crisis of faith in which we find old answers & beliefs no longer satisfy our expectations or questioning concerning all life.
We wonder whether our living has been good, bad or indifferent for sometimes the rewards we expected never appeared. Unwise giving or generosity may have backfired & so we have had to learn to give or not to give without harming ourselves. or others.
We may have been na?ve & optimistic or even sceptical but it is all part of the process of growth, then one day, we stop trying to figure it all out about what to believe in, for we are able to grasp the hidden meaning to some of life's questions. As our minds deepen, we no longer blindly accept what others want us to, for now we search for our own answers. When our thinking changes we begin to act differently...& that is what we all want...peace .
Love to all. Please click on my website to help keep me up on the page!
Psychic Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo
Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo Ph 0418 871 135
Personal Consultations, Psychic Readings, Clairvoyance, Medium, Counselling