Ola Hansén - Latest News on the EU Carbon Market
Ola Hansén - Give us the news!?
"Yesterday, the EU Council approved the revised ETS* Directive and CBAM* Regulation, taking the last step in making them official laws that will soon be put into action. The files are key parts of EU’s regulatory package to meet the 55 % emissions reduction target for 2030."
Why is this an important milestone??
"A "climate fee" will be gradually added to imported industrial products based on their embodied carbon emissions. In other words, the emissions generated during production. This import fee makes it possible to phase out the free handout of emission allowances and thereby introduce a real cost for CO2 emissions in the EU’s heavy industry.”
How will this impact the industry? ?
"It will encourage more investments in decarbonized methods of production within the EU.?Furthermore, it will gradually create a level playing field for new green cleantech solutions to thrive.?With CBAM, the EU's internal market will be protected by making sure that imported industry products with high CO2 emissions pay the same carbon costs as production within the EU.?
What is important now?
"In order to create a level playing field in the ETS in the near future, the benchmarks for free allocation needs to change so they include cleantech solutions."
* ETS stands for EU Emission Trading Scheme?
* CBAM stands for Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism?
?Energy and transport analyst, strategist, and advisor? Supporter of a sustainable future. The first aid provider for #hopium overdose
1 年https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/michael-sura-9a47511bb_co2reduction-co2emissions-fitfor55-activity-7058085096922198016-fEYA?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Mycket bra. Ett steg i r?tt riktning!
Strategist - Future energy & mobility systems
1 年Really really important to accelerate the shift! New policy is needed!!!
CEO p? GreenIron H2 AB
1 年Look forward to seeing how adjustments will made to move away from the current situation which only provides support to polluters but no recognition to non-polluters! Let’s hope the shift is not slow
Public Affairs & Community Relations for Growth at Stegra (formerly H2 Green Steel)
1 年Great News! ????