Oktoberfest Beijing 2019 @ Brotzeit - 2019十月啤酒节@博璨, 开幕了!
We bring the largest and most popular folk festival in the world from the 17th of September to the 20th of October to Brotzeit Beijing.
With this knowledge you can shine at the Oktoberfest - The original Oktoberfest is located on the Theresienwiese and takes place for approximately two weeks.
Steckerlfish - 式签烤马鲛鱼
make your reservation 预定吧
daily portions are limited 每日限量供应
158 RMB
The feast started as a horse race to celebrate the emperors wedding with his wife Theresia. One year after the wedding party in 1810, everyone agreed: Please, more of it!
Brotzeit Sausage Tower with Pretzel 迷你烟熏鸡肉芝士肠 148 RMB
We at Brotzeit have the intention to bring you all the “Gemütlichkeit” (relax and enjoy) of this feast to your table, that’s why our Executive Chef creates the Oktoberfest dishes like Wies’nhendl or Steckerlfish according to one of the oldest traditional Oktoberfest recipes but with a modern presentation and swing.
Bavarian Duo - White Sausages | Pretzel & Baked Chicken Fillet | Potato Salad perfect to sh鸡排双拼 168 RMB(这道菜不适合独自享用哦)
1881, the first Hendlbraterei was opened at Oktoberfest - The traditional Wiesnhendl was sold to the hungry visitors since then.
Wiesnhendl - 1/2 Roasted Chicken with Garlic and French Fries 半只烤鸡 108 RMB
Of course, our traditional, Bavarian white sausages, Munich meatloaf in a bun or the fancy Pretzel Hot Dog are not allowed to be missed at our special Octoberfest menu.
Pretzel Hot Dog or Munich Meat Loaf Roll
慕尼黑肉面包 或 纽伦堡热狗 68元
Octoberfest - Big Words
If you ask Germans to describe Octoberfest in a view words these come out and you should learn these short phrases by heart to be one of them at the Wies’n.
Wies’nhendl essen - eating Oktoberfest Roasted Chicken - 吃啤酒节烤鸡
Wies’nhaxenessen - eating Oktoberfest Pork Knuckle - 吃啤酒节猪肘
Steckerlfisch essen - eating Oktoberfest Roasted Fish on a Stick - 吃啤酒节签烤鱼
O’zapft is! - famous Bavarian saying at the keg stroke -著名的巴伐利亚语指木制啤酒桶
Oans, Zwoa, Gsuffa- Countdown before bottom-up - 一,二,三 干杯
Bier und Riesengaudi - Beer and Big Fun Time - 啤酒和欢乐时光
Lederhose & Dirndl - traditional Bavarian dress for men & women - 传统巴伐利亚男女服装
Happy Hour - 欢乐时光
We created a special individual Happy Hour for our customers so you can enjoy as much of the beer, food and atmosphere in our restaurant during your visit.
We see us soon and will say together the 2 most famous words at Octoberfest.
O’zapft is!