Okonjo-Iweala & 3 things we can do for the Nigerian Girl-Child
Akin Monehin
Energy Leader I Entrepreneur I Columnist I Speaker I Shell's Deepwater Business Transformation Manager
It is exactly a week since our very own Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala took over the reins at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). She is most likely in the middle of her onboarding, with several GTKYs (get to know you’s) lined up over the next weeks and months, for sure. Her immediate focus will be to settle down as quickly as possible to better understand the culture and challenges at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the politics of the job as well, which is across borders.
The waning global frenzy that followed her appointment will eventually fade away. The fading “#belikeOkonjoIwealachallenge” will soon be replaced by another exciting one, as deemed fit by our social media influencers.
However, what will remain unchanged is the unlikeliness that the Nigerian girl-child will have the sort of opportunities Mrs. Okonjo-Iweala has had. Okonjo-Iweala herself migrated to the United States as a teenager. Teenage years are one of the most challenging time for the Nigerian girl-child.
Would she have had such opportunities if she had her higher education and adult life here in Nigeria?
Can the Nigerian girl-child attain her full potential in the prevailing environment? A PwC report, Strength from Abroad, estimates that “likely” over 1.2m Nigerians left the country permanently in 2018 and growing. March 2019 research by respected Pew Research says almost 50% of Nigerian adults plan to permanently relocate to another country within the next five (5 ) years. Whenever I ask my friends that have migrated out of Nigeria, many say they did because of more “opportunities” it offers the children.
“If Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala were restricted to this environment, she likely would not be the leader of the largest trade organisation in the world … at best she would probably be a very successful petty trader in Abavo, Ughelli, or Pesu market - in Delta state”
The State can improve the environment for the girl-child to reach her potential by addressing three (3) fundamental concerns:
1. Getting serious about stopping female genital mutilation (FGM)
FGM involves the tradition of removing part of the female genital organs to “curb promiscuity, promote female modesty and chastity”. Some cultures do so to strengthen male dominance.
Sadly, about thirty million (30 m) Nigerian girls have been subjected to this painful practice. No surprise that Nigeria holds the number one position of this extreme discrimination against women globally - according to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Even though there is a law protecting the girl-child, according to a recent article by Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP), there has not been a single conviction! Let’s get serious.
2. Starting to educate the girl-child too
This naively assumes the boy-child is being educated.
According to the British Council report, Girls’ Education in Nigeria, “Nigeria’s out-of-school population is the largest in the world, and growing.” The gender that forms the majority of that is the female gender. Surprise! Surprise!!
While not discounting the boy-child’s capabilities, I believe this is bad because an educated girl-child is an asset to the family, organisation and the nation, with amazing multiplier effects. I am convinced this is so, as I have closely observed three (3) amazing ladies - my wife, my mom & my sister – all phenomenal!
3. Moving against the early marriage of the girl-child
A UNICEF Report (2018), Child Marriage in West and Central Africa, estimates 22 million child brides live in Nigeria, representing a whopping 40 per cent (40%) of all child brides in the West & Central African region. With the dire security situation in many parts of the country, most low-income families quickly marry off their daughters, perceived to be of inferior gender, to escape their responsibilities for caring for an additional child.
We should pause as a nation and reflect on Dr. Okonjo-Iweala’s appointment; is the current environment right for the Nigerian girl-child? Are our policies and practices fair to this most vulnerable group? How can we, as individuals and as a nation, demonstrate that we are committed to wiping out the Nigerian girl-child's continuous abuse?
If Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala were restricted to this environment, she probably would not be the leader of the largest trade organisation in the world … at best, she probably would be a very successful petty trader having branches in Abavo, Ughelli & probably Pesu markets in Delta state.
This article was first published by The Guardian Newspaper (www.guardian.ng) on 1st March 2021 and republished 5 days later by the same newspaper, The Guardian Newspaper (6th March 2021).
This is the 3rd publication.
About the Author
Akin Monehin (MBA, Strategic Management — Chicago Booth) is a thought leader, business strategist & speaker. He hosts 2 thought leadership conversations, "Make or Mar Moments" and "After 5 at 5", on YouTube. Akin also maintains 2 Business Columns with leading newspapers in Africa - "Business Insight" published by BusinessDay Newspaper & "Business Ignite" published by The Guardian Newspaper.
Akin is a 2015 recipient of Choiseul Institut France’s Award of Top 100 African Business Leaders under 40 Years Old. He has worked in over 10 countries, including French and Arabic speaking ones and has the privilege of work experience from the following leading organisations:
- Qatar Shell GtL Ltd — The world’s largest Gas to Liquid Plant
- Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd — one of the most innovative (& fun) businesses
- British Airways PLC — the world’s favourite airline
- The Shell Petroleum & Development Company of Nigeria Ltd — the pioneer in oil exploration & production in Sub Sahara Africa
- Nigeria LNG Ltd — one of the world-leading producers of Liquefied Natural Gas
He currently works for an International Oil Company (IOC) as the Business Transformation Manager. He is based in Lagos, and you can connect with him on Instagram or via email akin.monehin@chicagobooth.edu
Views expressed in this article are personal and do not represent the views of any institution he is affiliated with.