It is okay not to have a plan
Sometimes the scariest question someone can ask me is “what are your future plans?” I am an organized person and a continuous learner, which let people around me expect that I have each day scripted and planned in my head. But sometimes I feel that I am not confident enough to pick a long life career; I cannot make a decision yet. I read many books about career coaching, which usually talk about, find your passion, follow your gut and this will be your potential career. However, I cannot decide yet, my passion is in many fields, for example, I love to communicate with people a lot and I love to work individually with data. I find passion in everything I do and I enjoy it; it is difficult for me to pick only one path.
Deciding on something and stating it to everyone scares me. What if I changed my mind? What if I lose passion in it after a while? That’s why I decided to focus only on my short-term goals, what I love to learn, what new skills I want to acquire, and how I can build a network with people I enjoy communicating with.
I love planning my day-to-day tasks, and a day with nothing to do in a nightmare. Planning is what keeps me away from negative thoughts and gives me control over my life. I feel successful when I achieve my to-do list, and the most amusing moment for me is when I hold my pencil and cross a task or write "Done!" beside it in my planner.
However, sometimes planning distracts me from opportunities. Being spontaneous let you see opportunities that interest you but didn’t exist in your restricted plan. Sometimes we got anxious about our future plans and achievements and we keep assessing our future plan many times to achieve it. Being caught up in your plan may distract you from enjoying your life and from seeing the unplanned opportunities and achievements you accomplished. Simply, it is okay not to have a plan.
Plans are essentials to have for our life but put in your mind that your interests might change. So give yourself the space to let a new plan ascends and replace the old one without feeling guilty. You are growing with every experience and learning from people you meet each day. Therefore, follow your heart instead of following your to-do lists; invest in exploring new opportunities around you, and the future will frame itself from the cumulative experiences you developed and you will be able to answer “what are your future plans?”