OK. Yup. The Meaning of Life.
This morning I mused on that great existential question: ‘What is the meaning of life?’
I’ve mused on this many times as I am sure you have too. When someone we love dies, when we lose a job, a home, when we don’t think we can survive the heartbreak of a relationship ending, when we have put our blood, sweat and tears into something and we fail to reach that goal, we often arrive at that question: ‘Does life mean anything?’ In our grief, our rage, our frustration or disappointment, a cynical answer surfaces on the Magic 8-Ball. “My sources say No.”
But when we step back from our personal sources of pain, we realize that we are all on this brief ride though the eons together, clutching each other’s hands. Every time we do what feel right to us, when we extend a hand in help or encouragement, when we show a kindness, when we help solve a problem, when we just show up sometimes, we make a positive difference. We do not live and die alone. We are not isolates. We are inherently social, essentially connected to a circle of others just like ourselves. The person next to you is counting on you to hold hands tightly on this roller coaster ride with all its griefs and joys, its failures and triumphs. Life, at present, can’t mean enough without you. But with you, it means everything.