OK; we ALL know it's Life Insurance Awareness Month . . .
As if we haven't received enough notes from agents, mailings from companies, unsolicited e-mails driving us crazy, and all kinds of notifications. I can image everyone saying "Enough, already!". And I have all kinds of promotional pieces I can put up here or send, showing all kinds of great statistics, heart breaking or heart warming stories, facts and figures . . .
And none of that matters. If it did, I wouldn't be hearing about people posting Go Fund Me accounts to cover funeral expenses or other problems after someone passes. So, rather than go all fancy, I waited until the end of the month to give a simple message:
Don't be that person with the Go Fund Me account. Whether it's me or anyone else, please talk to an insurance professional you know and trust and get your house in order. It's more important than you want to think.