OK Doomer
Shining on

OK Doomer

If not mitigated by us-all, the climate crisis will eventually take from the Earth polar bears, coral reefs - and that uplifting sound of children impulsively and uncontrollably giggling. Big adult belly-laughs, you know the convulsive, infectious spirit cheering kind where you join in even though you don’t know what was funny to start with. The snuggling and cooing of “that” couple, cocooned in the corner at a party, oblivious to how slightly annoying everyone else finds them. Parties!??

We will lose these and many more of life’s treasures and pleasures, little and large. This loss will occur because the wasteland we create without us will inevitably be mirrored within. So let’s set about saving those things we love way too much to lose. Don’t delay rescuing what you can not let go of – things the idea of grieving for is much too painful to contemplate.?

This Earth is our turf; we each need to defend it. And collectively, we can do it! Our unquenchable human spirit is a superpower when fueled and ignited by hope. We can prevail even backed up against the mightiest challenge ever, that calls for everything we have. We will not quietly yield; we will sculpt this moment of the human occasion through the commonality of our love of our lands, seas, and skies.

The saving of reefs and bears is also the saving of griefs and tears?- Through conservation of the things we love, we nourish that good part of ourselves where our capacity for gladness resides.?

And what if it happens that the renewed and revived soul-scape within us, becomes mirrored without? There is so much to lose - we have nothing to lose.



