It is ok to accept help
Mental health. Emotional health.
It's ok to ask for help.
I went to my lady doctor today for my annual and mainly because my counselor and those closest to me strongly encouraged me to ask for help. Keep in mind, I do not take medication for anything. I hate medication, it makes me feel weird and I will use all my witch oils before even reaching for Tylenol.
I've used my witch oils; I still need help.
I've prayed,. Prayed so hard; I still need help.
I've had more counseling sessions than I can count; I still need help.
Online learning for my girls makes me want to vomit with stress.
I worry about if I'm doing all that I can to support my girls.
I feel like the whole world is going to crush in on me, on an hourly basis.
I am roller coastering with my emotions more severe than ever.
I don't have the drive to work like I used to. That's a big problem.
I do ok with working out for 3 days, then something happens, I feel new emotions, or I find out something, and boom I'm worse than I was before.
Getting out of bed, getting dressed, and being a human has been a huge struggle.
I don't share all of this with you, for pity or to get my sad on you. I share this with you because we are all going through a storm and maybe you are stubborn like me and don't want to admit that you do need some help.
Ask for help. Sometimes things are bigger than we can fully handle and there are ways to get help to handle it. Take steps to figure out what is going to work best for you.
If you need someone to talk to, there are ways to access free or low cost counseling sessions; make an appointment with your doctor and be honest with what is happening, accept the help.
Don't be afraid to accept the help.