Oil/Gas ProdCos face Clear & Present Danger...

Oil/Gas ProdCos face Clear & Present Danger...

Hello Oil & Gas Producers~ Did you know there is a very real external danger for oil & gas operators who refuse to change?

This 'Clear and Present Danger' has become a reality since mobile tech has become a part of our everyday life...

In companies, time and money-saving ideas should not only be considered but encouraged.

However, this creates huge conflicts of interest for the status quo.......

During the 1980s and 1990s, the tendency was to force upon pumpers, admin, and the like complicated and clunky legacy software that for lack of better words, "sucked".

Essentially, these tools created more issues than the problems they were designed to solve.

It was a wonderful example of how technology worked against the very people it was trying to help.

With each iteration, internal responsibility was pushed to the field, and the pumper's job became more and more difficult...

Their responsibility to manage production assets remained the same, yet they were now forced to work with production reporting tools that simply fell short.

It's always a process.

You go through periods where you must endure things like paper, fax, palm pilots, and clunky legacy software before we eventually get to the good stuff.

But today, something very interesting is happening: a surge of new methodology, ideas, human reason, and logic.

And, it's not coming from the top down, but from the bottom up.

As opposed to from the top down, mobile is being pushed from the bottom up!

Essentially, from the field to office.

A single pumper shifts from paper to a smartphone app.

An admin back at HQ realizes she no longer has to make telephone calls to remind the pumper to 'get his data in'.

Eventually, engineers and production supervisors start clamoring because they actually have data and graphs that make sense.

Management for the first time sees pumpers and the office are now on the same page operating in lock-step with each other.

And, the best part?

It doesn't require any effort or investment to achieve this monumental shift....

So, the bandwagon increases in size.

The things that smartphone technology is doing for oil & gas production is valuable and positive...

It creates proactive pumpers, it alleviates minutiae from the back-office, and keeps engineers and supervisors focused on the task at hand (minimizing downtime, maximizing oil production, increasing profit...)

And the best part?

People actually want to use this stuff !!

Folks, there is no stopping this groundswell -- it's replacing processes and legacy software systems that were forced on the field just a decade ago...

And, you're right: the company who ignores the idea of mobile, may, in fact, prosper for the next 2, 3, or 4 years.

However, if you take the long-view (like we do!), where do you think this particular operator be 5, 8, or even 10 years from now?

What do you do when companies continue to force their pumpers and field crews to use their overcomplicated (and overpriced) legacy production software system?

Worse still, what do you do if you find yourself working for one of these companies??

When this begins to happen, mobile seems like less of a high-minded sentiment, and becomes more like a threat.

And think about how difficult a threat it would be if those private investment dollars began flowing toward other, more cost-effective operators.....

If the public markets began to favor stocks of companies who embrace solutions that help them to remain profitable at a lower price of oil.....

Or, in light of the independent producer, if dollars were forgone in favor of poorly thought-out workflows and systems that suck, jeopardizing jobs in a potentially volatile climate.....

Think how dangerous it would be if the ideas of mobile and consumer tech (smartphones and tablets) spread through the industry, but your company simply stays put?!

Mobile is like a virus, isn't it?

Employees and coworkers filled with the dangerous idea of employing a solution they actually want to use are like carriers of a mental contamination or intellectual smallpox to companies that refuse to change.

To the status quo, mobile is like a Trojan Horse -- an enemy from within.

Contract and company pumpers alike start operating with full transparency and accountability that enables people in-house to get $h*t done.

The people working at these oil companies tell two operators, then each of those operators tell two more...

Eventually, the whole sphere of independent operators is mobile.

Beware, the industry has an intellectual epidemic in it's midst -- it's called GreaseBook, and our company's mission is to enable you to achieve the most profitable, resilient and enduring version of your oil & gas prodco possible !!!!

And our mobile app definitely does not "suck!"

- Greg

PS Wanna achieve the most profitable, resilient and enduring version of your oil & gas prodco possible? Then Schedule a 5 Minute 'Prove It' Call here >> www.greasebook.com/vsl

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→ "No-sweat" company set-up, turn-keyed by a Petroleum Engineer.

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Schedule your 5 Minute 'Prove It' Call here >> www.greasebook.com/vsl



