Oilfield Story Time!
Mitch Golay B.Sc., B.Ed, R.T.(Ag-AB/SK)
Environmental Scientist providing Technical Expertise & Services in Oilfield, Ag., & Environmental Sectors of [Western] Canada
I... um I mean.. Derrick D. Riggs , recently had the grand opportunity to do a book reading to some very inquisitive children in Central Alberta.
It turns out Mr. Riggs had a delay at the Rig site, and coincidentally happened to be at the Library where some grade 1-4's were anticipating a special guest!
The children were very attentive and received some very high value entertainment as a reward. A highlight was how many things in their Library, specifically Plastic, was a product of Oil & Gas - processed right in their back yard (Central Alberta) from INEOS , 陶氏化学 & NOVA CHEMICALS OLEFINS LLC .
Many questions were asked on topics of the Safety Gear Derrick was wearing, questions about oilfield and operations, including the nearby Parallax Energy Operating Inc. drill site, and authoring a book.
Oil & Gas isn't as awful as some groups make it out to be. The world needs some of our cleanest sources of Energy and PetroChemical products & by-products. The Economic valuation is tremendous for not only Central Alberta, but Alberta, and Canada as a whole.
If you'd like a copy for yourself or your employees, see the link in the comments. [$5 from each copy sold goes to Child Advocacy!]
And congratulations for becoming an author!
Nice story!
Environmental Scientist providing Technical Expertise & Services in Oilfield, Ag., & Environmental Sectors of [Western] Canada
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