The Oil and Gas industry still under pressure - how to speed up projects while keeping risk under control
Since February, the European region has seen a dramatic increase of demand for oil operations. With this increased volumes of demand, comes increased complexity, and an added risk of miscalculation and danger. In order to meet this added demand, companies have to ensure the highest possible level of safety and efficiency when planning projects and operations. And proper risk management is crucial in avoiding any mishaps or accidents.
The oil industry is very aware of this and invests a lot of effort into identifying risks during the planning stage. Every company has its own risk matrix, mitigation process, etc, developed with the goal of making operations as safe as possible. But in many cases much of this effort finds itself wasted, because the planning and operational phases of many wells-management systems exist separately. Risks entered into the risk management system at planning are not visible at execution stage and can get missed out.
To establish such a link is usually the task for on-site supervisors. One expects them to be prepared for dangers and to build a sufficient level of team awareness about risk during operations. But the risk of human error will always exist. If the process completely relies on people, the possibility that sooner or later someone misses out on something important could lead to a severe or a critical incident.
Tools’ reliability, breach in the supply chain and logistics, shortage of personnel, HSE, geological and weather conditions - these risks may have severe consequences both in physical damages and in high costs, if not timely revealed to stakeholders and not managed properly. Now it’s time to question yourself:
Based on his 14-years of experience in O&G operations, with a specialty in risk management automatization, our founder and CEO Andrzej Kwiecien shares below his vision for best practices in well safety operations::
“In the Energy industry, the price of a single mistake or error is extremely high. Digitalization has allowed us to design an automated risk mitigation flow as part of a wider comprehensive well operation management system. By helping our customers to build this process, we’ve identified key action points which eliminate the human factor, improve operations safety and increase risk awareness among involved personnel:
For all of these activities, Apriside’s #OilfieldOS provides a customisable solution. So even if project times are shortened or uncertainties multiply – OilfieldOS has a concrete, stable, and unique risk control approach.
Let’s show you how we can improve your safety and operational transparency with our software. Please write to us to request a demo of OilfieldOS: [email protected]