Oi! Businesses! Listen Up! Millennials is the name and technology is our game.

Oi! Businesses! Listen Up! Millennials is the name and technology is our game.

I’ll start with some background info. I am a millennial or a younger millennial. I am 20 years of age and make a living from consulting business and technology. This article will refer to millennials, a lot I mean a whole lot!! When I do this, I really mean those younger half of millennials. (90s onwards). So here we go…

Times are changing; at the end of 2015 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, millennials became the largest generation in the workforce. Millennials get branded lazy, unfocused and many more adjectives which all seem to depict a Homer Simpson character. I speak on behalf of my fellow millennials when I say mostly this is just not true. It’s time for the baby boomer companies to get their heads out of the gutter and start utilizing the workforce that will make a difference to you. At the end of the day, how do you expect to target a millennial target audience when you’re not embracing the one aspect that is entwined with millenials the most? Technology.

After all there is a reason you’re son or daughter has 1037 friends on Facebook and you only have 37. This is because millennials grew up with this application. They know it inside out. Stop kidding yourselves that you can maximize your reach to the target audience without the help of the younger generations. There is no shame. It is just common sense.

Okay, I know it seems like I am shouting at you. But the message is simplified by the below video by the wisdom that is the Simpsons. In the video Bart plays with a Yoyo and the “future people” express that “what’s normal to him amazes us.”

Technology is normal to us. None Millennials please continue to amaze us, but let us have this one.

 With 90% of millennials connected to the Internet (1) and 88% (2) of millennials receive their news through Facebook, the amount of time and knowledge power gained from social media whilst on technology is very high.

Why do companies continue to under-utilize this resource?

You may be thinking, but we do…we employ millennials to look after our technology presence, if this is you, that is superb but with 99% of the UKs private sector being made up of SMEs I can promise you this. There are so many companies that aren’t on the same page as you, chapter as you and often not even in the same book as you. 

As a final passing thought to the companies that embrace technology you are the companies that are wearing the running shoes whilst your competitors run barefoot, so the best of luck to you and continue to succeed and strive in the digital age.

 Thank you,

James Farnfield

Business & Technology Consultant






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