Oh, snap!
So, you now find yourself working from home due to this nasty pandemic… Many of us were not ready for this. Our homes are just not set up with an ergonomic office space. Some of us aren’t even equipped with a quiet spot to work – we just don’t have room in our homes – and this worldwide health crisis has sideswiped us. So what can we do? First, don't panic, take a breath; we will make it through this.
Before we even start to think about where to set this office up, we need to stretch! The web is filled with ergonomic stretches that are made for helping office workers. Make sure the stretches that you pick cover your entire body. It is essential to make sure we are stretching our wrists, hands, and arms, neck, chest, and shoulders. Even our back, hips, and legs. It is vital to our health as well as our well being to do these stretches every day, especially while we are stuck working from home. When we become stressed, which most people are right now, our bodies tend to hold that tension, which can eventually translate into movement issues and painful conditions.
One of the first things to do is to refuse to work from the couch or your bed. All that will do is make things worse ergonomically as well as mentally. So where in the home can you set up your office? Many of us do not have an "office space" in our house, so we must improvise. How about making a standing desk? The middle of your computer screen should be in line with your eyes. This alone reduces the strain on your neck and your back. Even working with your laptop on your lap or the coffee table is a huge no-no. To elevate that screen, put it on some books, a crate… You can still work from the kitchen table, just elevate that screen.
Another critical step is to step away from the screen for a few minutes at least once an hour. Stepping away doesn't mean going to the refrigerator, grabbing a soda, and then to the cupboard for some chips. Just step away for five minutes and maybe do a couple of stretches or walk around the yard. Regular movement is important.
The last thing we need to do at the end of the day is unwind. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, take a little time for yourself. These restrictions are difficult for everyone – most of us are social beings and being told we can’t have contact with others is also a stressor. Do something at the end of your workday that relaxes you. EVERY day. Just remember, we will make it through this – TOGETHER!