Oh, the smallest light!
Aquilino Gonzalez-Canovas
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, proactive community programs development
No individual life is infinite
is put together by interiorized primary objects
likewise finite and with heavy weight upon their backs
we take those loads in with mother’s milk
and father’s scent and even envy
Our own bag is further heavier
by school, society, and culture
as we become an object of a point of view
which is limited
of many hues and shapes
we call reality
Adapt we learn to be a part of
although that which is expected and imposed
upon our child-like shoulders
is not the truth, it never is:
a reality whose producer is generations past
complex and biased
Where then is oneself left?
Is differentiation enough?
One needs to find one’s space and nest
to live and thrive again
As far back as I remember
I never felt comfort in other’s ways or customs
never a mask I’ve worn
although timidly, yes, I looked at life
discomfort felt
and for a long time comfort never felt did I
I have experienced some good-enough environments
but experienced darkness, violence, and sin
A year past or so
I came upon the gates of demarcation
and I begged for You to let me in
in into your heart of hearts
to abide within
doors locked
to experience calm and comfort
to abide in that tiny bitty light
I saw in darkest night
Your dawning
my hope and love