Oh Mr. Trump
I know by now you have heard the president has made
statements that are even shocking for him. He has gone overboard in his low life conversation. This man seems to be ruled by Satan.
There is so much I could say but this man is not worth the effort. He has gone out of his way to be nasty. He is already mean what is he trying to prove? He is a man that has no respect for others or himself.
This man is sick and some action should be taken to get him the help that is so sorely needed. This mad dog should be put away. He is torture to himself and others. This is not a party thing; this is a wrong that he willfully let come out of his mouth with intend to hurt and destroy.
We have closed our eyes long enough, now is the time for the country to make a move that we should have made a long time ago.
I am a retired Army man and was willing to put everything I had on the line. Loss of body parts did not change my love for this country. During the time we were fighting, Trump was crying like a baby to get out of going to war. He has been disrespectful to others and he has gone out of his way to be nasty to others. The God, we serve will at some point step in. This can not go on. For the sake of the country and the good of the world. This man must go!