Oh Hi, Im You Im Here To Say Its Going To Be Ok
Jiordana Saade CNP CHt
Clinical Nutritionist | Eating Behaviour Expert | Founder at The Mind-Full Clinic inc.
A letter from us
The week of Valentines Day CAN be a hard one, but why does it need to be? It CAN also be: a total blast, a good time with friends (and F.R.I.E.N.D.S. If you catch my drift), a time just like any other to enjoy a great fucking meal, a day of rest. That day or any like it is just another on the calendar. The meaning you give it will only mean something to its author. No matter what, Im here for you and we are going to be ok.
I watched you this week. You cried inside and you smiled so big. You put on the brave face, the war paint, you walked the mist, trudging through the battle field. Caught up in the action, or so you thought. Just caught. Captive now. Had your hand smashed with a hammer. Now set free, back to the woods on your own from lost to found again. Given another chance to heal and be strong. I saw you hurt inside and heard the cries, I saw you stand and console yourself. Because after all, who is there for you but your and you alone? Self respect has kept you upright and feet moving forward. Self love has kept you warm in the battle for self actualization. This cold unforgiving February has been a learning lesson for you, hasn’t it? Well its only half done, there’s still more fun to come. Your over the hill, or at the bottom of the valley, its your choice where you stand as long as you’re brave enough to keep going.
It’s time to take the lessons you’ve learned this month and love yourself again, for a little longer, keep yourself sane for another term. You don’t need to do it on your own though. Find a place and find some people who want to love themselves as well. Embrace. Embrace the idea you aren’t where you want to be yet but on the path to it. Open your loving arms and grow. Humans are social creatures who have achieved nothing on their own. Grow on your own, grow wit others, grow together, grow forward and don’t stop no matter how hard it is any day or everyday. It’s very difficult to keep going but its even harder to stop and stand still only to watch time flash past you. Band together with the people who want what you do and grab onto self love as a fucking floatation device if need be. You’ve done enough to get this far and create something magical for yourself, why stop now?
March will be here before you know it. Then April, then May, you have a calendar, you know how this goes on. What promises you keep making with yourself aren’t kept month in and month out? Are you going to keep this shit up until you die? It’s simply not worth it. Do something about it and ask for some bloody help if you need to. Or be the help someone else fucking needs. Help a soft heart with your hardened one. Just find your people. Maybe the people you’ve had this whole time aren’t your people. And maybe they mean well but don't understand how to give you what you need. Open your hand, let them go, grab onto your self and run to some people who will take your reaching arms to embrace your progress. A whole lot of people want what you have, want what you want, and are maybe already working for it. Don’t you just want to have the self love you say you? You say you are doing the work, and I believe you, but are you handing it in or letting it rot in your backpack for your keeper to find and give you shame over in a few weeks time? It’s self love time again, and tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after. Raise the flag, saddle the horse, whip out that dagger and go for the throat for anything and anyone not allowing you to listen. Listen to you, listen to us. Sign the contract to freedom and give us another fighting chance. It’s you and me babe: scars, wooden leg, and a fighting chance. Until we die we stand together in the mirror. It’s as scary in here as it is out there, but out there we might have someone else to lend a shoulder when we need to rest for ourselves.
Together, we will get there. Together we have self love. For certain.
By the way, you should watch #outlander on Netflix its one hell of an epic story.