Oh hey, Rosé!
The rosé Renaissance is upon us. From 40 oz bottles to top of their class, this normally under appreciated and mocked wine is more popular than ever.
Though most consumers think of rosés as sticky sweet, the new breed of this varietal has found its mark with a perfect balance of fruit and complexity, making it not only the ideal summer wine, but a lovely pairing with any meal.
Featured in our documentary "The Routes to Roots: Napa and Sonoma," is Taft Street Winery, the first pink wine producer ever to win the North Coast Wine Challenge. In our other documentary "A Passion for the Vine," Tamera and Adam Housley discuss the taboo of rosé and how they won't let that stop them from making a wine they both love.
So next time you see that bright pink liquid calling out for a chance from the store shelf, give it a try, and remember, life always looks better through rosé colored glasses.