Oh, the (F&B) Drama! Part 2
So. how'd ya do? Did you resolve the drama created when your servers skated out on their side work? Or when they deliberately stir up trouble with each other? Maybe it's still a work in progress...
In Part 1 we talked about WHY people feel compelled to create and engage in drama. Sure, that gave us some insight into why drama happens. But don't we all just want to know HOW THE HECK TO STOP IT??? Let's roll up our sleeves, prop up the hood and have a look-see...
The first thing... is there anything very obviously out of whack? Like straight up operating procedures are being ignored, people aren't doing their assigned work and others are left holding the bag, so to speak? That's sure to cause bitching, finger pointing and possibly back-stabbing. But good news, it's an easy fix!
Keep your team accountable by clearly communicating your expectations via checklists. Maybe you listen to what's being bitched about and and make a list. Maybe you take an hour or so to walk around the building to identify the important duties that need attention. Maybe you ask your team for suggestions. Now you have an up-to-date collection of duties for your checklist. Hone them down to only the MOST important, don't just give your team busy work. Because that sucks. Figure out who's accountable for what and refer to the checklist to keep them on task. Follow up. If they slack, they get disciplined. Easy as that.
The second thing... is there just bad chemistry? Much like some of my worst blind dates, sometimes people just don't "get" each other. Staff don't understand the job of managers, they just resent being managed. Owners or managers don't understand the younger generation that makes up the staff, they resent their attitude. The drama is a manifestation of a more serious personality clash. Whatever the situation, don't allow it to be a breeding ground for drama.
The key here is to focus on and talk about your common goals - often! As the manager, you're going to lead the conversation down the right path by asking "How are you defining success?" "What would you do if you were me?" "What do you think our guests would want us to do?" and other thoughtful questions that prompt your little drama-demons to focus on solutions.
And the third thing... despite your attempts to fix the problem, is there someone on your staff who is still hell-bent on stirring up BS? Even if they're your "best" employee, even if they've been with you since the doors opened, even if you can't possibly imagine work without them... have a heart-to-heart with yourself. Are they the root of the drama problem?
If they are, they're a cancer to your business. You know what needs to be done, yes you do. It's time to part company, allow them to pursue something else, promote them from employee to guest - however you say it, send them on their way and the mood will change instantly and "dramatically!"
Always good hanging out,
Leslie Kalk, Restaurant Coach
The "Gordon Ramsay" for your FOH
P.S…. When you’re ready, here are 3 ways my team and I can help you take command of your business this year:
1. Join the ROOM (Restaurant Owners, Operators & Managers) group and connect with other badass restaurant operators who are growing their business, too. Right this way.
2. Find out about our Dining Room Nightmares service: A 30-day plan to fix your worst nightmares. Get more info here.
3. Apply for membership in our Secret Guest Private Program. Just email me and put “Secret Guest” in the subject line. Tell me a little about your business and why you think you could benefit from a secret guest visit, and I’ll get you the details.