Oh! Did you know these Eco friendly Products...
Eco-365 Water Savers- Water aerator and flow ristrictor https://eco365store.com/collections/water-savers
a. Flow Restrictor - Can be used in Health faucet guns of WC's and at Hand Wash Sinks of all washrooms
b. Switch Aerator - Can be used in Kitchen Taps where we continuously wash the utensils
c. Water Saving Aerator 3 LPM - Can be used in all the hand wash taps in cafe/kitchens
Compact Innovation Avenues (CIA) https://recycledpaper.in/products.php
a. Copier Paper
b.Note Book
c. Envelope
d. Conference Pad
e. More Products like.. Paper Files, Car Mats, Table Pads, Scribbling pads, Visiting cards,Carton Boxes, Paper Pencil, etc...