Oh deer...
Donna Carlson
Connector | Cultivator | Catalyst -- Connector | Cultivator | Catalyst — Empowering female CEOs through retreats and Catalyst Councils, fostering whole-life and business strategies for sustainable success.
World Mental Health Day is Thursday October 10. Can you set an intention to be looking for ways to show gratitude for small things? Every summer we get to watch a mama deer and two fawns grazing in our backyard (yes, every summer there is either a mama with two fawns or one who is shepherding another mother's fawn).
I love to stop what I'm doing and ground myself, take a few minutes to watch them play, soak in their playfulness. I might even laugh or send a picture to my daughters.
Whether it's a pair of fawns, a rabbit, or a mountain lion in your yard, take a few minutes to stop what you are doing and marvel in the beauty that's right here in your backyard. #crazyasusualwithdonna