Oh The Busyness...
David Donaghy
Human Resouces Coordinator at 7-Eleven | Photographer | Multilingual | Travel Enthusiast
This morning I had convo with one of my buddies at the gym. I felt discouraged that I didn’t get as much of a work out as I would have wanted.
I slept in. I laugh, sleeping in for me is 4:30am.
But I digress.
But I got a mad at myself for not getting up earlier, taking more time at the gym for a better workout. My buddy said, at least you got up and did something. Some people are asleep and haven’t done a thing.
More or less.
It’s hard, because life is so busy. It’s easy to push away goals because of being busy. Whether it’s business or professional. The busyness. Oh the busyness...
Getting around the busyness of my day. Decluttering my schedule. That is one of the things I am working on currently.
Are you?
We talk about positive things and such, but we also talk about our struggles. The hope in talking about it is that it may be of help of someone. And if you’re still struggling with a particular struggle, perhaps you are in search for a solution for yourself right now.
So if you’re drowning in the busyness of your day know this: you are not alone. My schedule itself is almost entirely gridlocked.
It reminds of 635* in the afternoons. And that is coming from a guy that gets up at 4 something every weekday.
Here is what I am telling myself right now. And hopefully it will be of help for you too.
If you are drowning in your schedule…
Even with the little tid bits of this and that…
You know, such as errands, things to do, you name it,
That nickel and dime your time…
Where it just seems never-ending…
And the goals and dreams seem they are getting snuffed out by the busyness.
Ask yourself….
How hungry are you?
No, not for a snickers bar!
How hungry are you to achieve your goals?
Determination. Creativity. Sacrifice. Heart.
Have determination. Keep at it, you will succeed. You may fail at some things, but ultimately, you will succeed. At the very least, you will get further than where you are right now.
Be creative. Trying to squeeze time out of thin air takes some creativity. Believe me, it’s hard, I would much rather spend my time studying something than sitting in traffic for an hour and a half. For example, I stay up 30 minutes longer at night trying to study something, because that is the only time I can learn something to improve myself.
Sacrifice. That time you may need to pull, you may need to lose some sleep. Like my example, I lose some sleep, but I gain some knowledge in the hopes it will pay off. Maybe not watch so much TV. Maybe not buy that item you’ve wanting. If it helps, think of the bigger picture.
Heart. Remember why you are wanting to do the goals you have in mind. If you follow Sam P Lark Jr here, you’ll see him often ask folks what is your ‘why.’ Remember your ‘why.’ Don’t lose sight of it. It’s very easy to chase your goals or dreams to the point where you push your ‘why’ to the side. Is it provide for your family? To improve y’all’s quality of life? Is it to be your own boss? Is it to pay off stupid, stupid bills – sorry, got a lil biased there. I have several medical bills to pay off…yuck! Whatever it may be, remember your why!
So if you are reading this and feeling tied up in your own schedule, I hope this of help, some level of encouragement.
It’s straight from the heart. If it helps just one person, I'll call it a success. I know I’m trying to find the answer to this problem myself. I am no expert for sure!
However, I do know this:
I am hungry. Very hungry. Hangry as the kids say these days.
And maybe this post awakens the hunger in you as well.
Maybe it’ll get you hangry too.
So let’s feed that hunger together!
If you need your voice to be heard, feel free to comment below, or send me a private message. Sometimes that’s all we need. Someone to hear us out. Feel free to share if someone needs to hear this.
And, if you are one that has conquered busyness, I’d love to hear your success story! I’m sure the community would definitely benefit from it.
Take care everyone!
And thanks for reading!
*A very long, narrow parking lot where cars occasionally move in one direction or another. Can be used as a highway at times, or a race track.
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6 年Great post. I was talking with someone last week about "busyness". It's crazy, sometimes it seems like people are programmed now to stay in that busyness mode. Like they are on autopilot. Almost like people are counting all the things that keep them busy instead of the things that get done. I appreciate your approach to this.