Ogre of Tet
The Order of Tetons is an enigmatic group whose origins trace back to a subterranean civilization of Neanderthals. These early beings, isolated from the outside world, underwent a startling evolution. Over generations, they lost their body hair and adapted to an underground existence, surviving through a practice that involved cannibalism. The harsh conditions of their environment forged a society where survival was the most important principle, and the consumption of their own kind became an integral part of their culture.
As the centuries passed, these Neanderthals, now transformed into a more formidable and grotesque form—resembling ogres—stumbled upon a philosophy that resonated with their growing societal needs. They adopted Judaism, perhaps as a way to restore structure and meaning to their increasingly brutal way of life. This religious transformation set them apart from other civilizations, marking a pivotal point in their evolution.
Through their time underground, they encountered a strange and disturbing group of individuals—pious pedophiles. The mingling of these two groups created an alliance rooted in darkness and manipulation. Together, they managed to gain control over the subway system, which by then had become a sprawling network of tunnels and stations, symbolizing their dominance over the surface world. This underground kingdom, a mix of ancient brutality and twisted faith, ruled with an iron fist, taking advantage of the anonymity and secrecy that the subways offered.