Offshore wind will save us all in the end......right?
Seagreen Windfarm Credit Paul Reid

Offshore wind will save us all in the end......right?

This weekend’s Sunday Times covered the historic moment when the Dogger Bank windfarm started injecting low cost, low emissions power into the UK electricity grid. A very welcome development at a time when most of the news cycle terrifies us with news of a frigid winter to come, with power cuts and spiralling energy costs.

The article continues that a further ninety-three are in the planning phase or already sanctioned to commence construction, delivering the government’s goal of 50GW of installed offshore wind power by 2030. New factories, encouraged by government loans and incentives, are popping up around the country to deliver the enormous turbine blades and foundations that will form the fixed wind infrastructure.

So, no problem, right? A few tight years to get through while the farms are built out and we can all enjoy the fruits of this readily available, renewable resource right off our British coastline??

Not the case unfortunately. This infrastructure will need to be established (literally) by a fleet of exceptionally large heavy lift vessels capable of installing the foundations of these offshore wind farms. The global fleet of suitable vessels is critically small and is actually reducing as many vessels return to the lucrative and ascendant oil and gas sector.

Zero-C Offshore Ltd is a British company that stands ready to build and operate a new fleet of heavy lift vessels that are:

The global fleet of suitable vessels is critically small and is actually reducing as many vessels return to the lucrative and ascendant oil and gas sector.

-?????????Best in Class; larger and more stable than other FFIVs (Floating Foundation Installation Vessels) on the market.

-?????????The Greenest fleet; built with dual fuel MDO/Green Methanol engines to reduce emissions in line with the Clean Maritime Plan.

-?????????British flagged, owned, and crewed; maximising construction spend in the UK and supporting the ‘levelling up’ agenda with home ports in Leith, Teesside, and Cromarty Firth.

Contact [email protected] to learn more.

#energysecurity #levellingup #cleanshipping #cleanmaritimeplan #netzero #offshorewindenergy


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