Offshore Wind and Hydrogen | Australia
Australia has all the attribute to be a major powerhouse in APAC
The announcement of six further offshore wind arrays represents a global market opportunity I’ve been tracking and sharing with the community ?for some time and followed for over two decades.
The zeitgeist is changing including the aftermath of the disastrous fires a few years ago, and political changes have swung the momentum in Australia as elsewhere, including the United States.
The potential, according to high level appraisals emanating from GWEC indicate of 1500 GW of the mature fixed foundation offering with a remarkable 3,391 GW available for the floating sector.
Illawarra, consultation:
I shared an analysis of how island economies Offshore-wind-hydrogen-and-island-economies?benefit from early adoption for energy cost of imports and expensive grid connection. The business case between expensive renewables and expensive existing baseline and narrower than elsewhere.
Australia is a large island, with Tasmania a smaller one close by and both fit this description perfectly and the latter has an interesting concept in development at Bell Bay
The ability of the Australian State of Tasmania to provide low-cost, near-100% renewable power through its mainly Government-owned electricity generators and transmission and distribution networks places it in an enviable position. Tasmania is the only region in Australia currently supplying its residents and industries with fully renewable electricity.
That same electricity can be used for the production of competitively priced green hydrogen and derivatives through electrolysis of water. In this way, the use of fossil fuels can ultimately be displaced in all applications in Tasmania and beyond, not just in power generation.
The common feature of most similarly-advantaged regions around the world is their reliance on decades of hydropower infrastructure development. Tasmania is no exception, with the State-owned Hydro Tasmania providing over 80% of the electricity distributed in the Tasmanpower grid.
Tasmania by its renewable power infrastructure, in particular the Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone, is an ideal location for the development of new green hydrogen-based industries, given its status as an existing industrial zone and its access to renewable power, a seaport, and a skilled local workforce
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