Offshore Installations: Extinguishing Water Pressure Regulation and Shut-off
Since oil, gas and other explosive mixtures are constantly handled on offshore platforms, a highly effective fire protection system is indispensable to protect crew and installations. The extinguishing water (sea water) in the fire fighting systems of the platforms is led to the single hydrants via closed circular pipelines.
To maintain a constant pressure at all hydrants in the different platform levels, the circular pipeline is pressurised at 12-16 bar(g). However, the jet pipes only require 6 bar up to a maximum of 8.5 bar(g). A pressure regulating hydrant valve reduces the pressure to the required value in the circular pipeline directly upstream of the hose connection.
Normally, the valves are closed by means of a shut-off device. However, no additional shut-off valve needs to be installed because the shut-off function has been integrated into the pressure regulating hydrant valve. In the event of a fire alarm, the shut-off will be released directly at the valve. The use of titanium for the valve body secures endurance and long term stbility of the valve installation in salty sea water environment.
Get detailed information about Pressure Regulating Hydrant Valve for Sea Water
Mankenberg Pressure Reducing Valve DM 668E
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