Offset unavoidable carbon with GenZero
Open I B Corp
Open is a strategic and creative agency that brings people together to change the world.
The world's poorest 3 billion people are responsible for just 7% of the world's carbon emissions. Yet they are living on the frontline of the global climate crisis.
As the public becomes ever more aware of the link between the climate crisis and poverty, CARE International has entered the booming consumer carbon offsetting market with a product focused on its work with poor communities.
It’s an audacious but highly strategic move – targeting a valuable and growing segment of younger, ethical consumers who are looking for new ways to make an impact but who don’t necessarily want to sign up to a traditional monthly donation.
The carbon offsetting market is already full of commercial organisations that look a lot like charities and are keen to promote their ethical credentials. But CARE hopes that its credentials as one of the world’s leading development organisations will enable it to cut through.
GenZero offers consumers the chance to buy Gold Standard Carbon Credits to offset unavoidable carbon emissions –?while working towards a lower carbon life.
Central to the site’s message and ethos is a drive to measure and reduce user’s individual carbon footprint. With GenZero, offsetting isn’t a ‘get out of jail free’ card –?it’s about minimising your impact and then offsetting what’s left.
We have implemented GenZero in partnership with CARE to develop the product, the brand, the website and the frictionless payment system that helps a digital-first audience stay in control of their carbon and their subscription.
GenZero is now and ready to help you reduce your unavoidable carbon at
Contact us at [email protected] to learn more!