The Official Opening of The Rock Pool
Pictured: Lockhart Mayor Cr Rodger Schirmer, Sheridan Hopkins (TCorp), the Hon. Steph Cooke, MP and Joe McGirr, MP Wagga Wagga
I was the lucky member of NSW Treasury Corporation (TCorp), Local Government Services Team to attend the opening of the TCorp funded The Rock pool. TCorp also funded the Lockhart Shire pool renovation and other NSW council pools including part funding of the current Ashfield pool redevelopment, as part of its infrastructre funding mandate for the councils of NSW.
There was a great turnout by the local community and other local notaries at The Rock pool opening. A barbecue lunch was provided afterwards by the men from The Rock's mens shed. Both the Lockhart pool and The Rock pool are sensational facilities for the local community with attendance at the Lockhart pool doubling in the last year since renovation and the building of a therapy pool. The benefits of a pool to any community are intangible: learning to swim, cooling in the heat, exercising injured bodies, pounding out the laps or just the place to meet your friends after school, they can be the beating heart of any community.
The Lockhart and The Rock pools are a great collaboration of the Shire council, local members and the builder, Total Creations & Services.
Both the Lockhart and The Rock pools are solar heated and will cost less than $1,000 per year to heat. The heat system uses evacuated tubes with no gas. The filtration system reduces the amount of backwashing, which in turn saves water.